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    I’m split. I was spared but my secret identity was killed. Which brings me to the question of things like ‘if uncle bens killer was removed from existence would we have a spiderman?’

    leave it dead guys, I remember reading some of the planned things for the firefly universe and characters, and frankly I think we got a good run of some great stories and escaped a bullet.

    actually youtube was where I started mine when we had the annotations that allowed to link to sections within the same video. I could put a place holder screen up for a few minutes with clickable choice buttons that would jump to the section within the same video that continued the storyline. But they through those

    I’d scripted out half a dozen you-choose the adventure stories for youtube, that relied on the annotations... then they got rid of the annotations. Now I’m stuck trying to figure out another way to make them. any suggestions would be appreciated.

    so is it jumping to other mini episodes, or what?

    should I be embarrassed that these would probably work for me... and I am several times older than her students.

    How is this supposed to even work? Stem cells are not a growing potion, they are cells, they collect in intercellular matrix to form tissues, you can’t just randomly squirt them anywhere and have them grow the tissue in size. They have to fill or bridge a gap in tissue; or add on to a cut end. It’s like drywall

    because the movie was good. it flopped because they completely failed in budgeting, and advertising, and most people never even knew it existed or what it was.

    1) you did kill somebody.

    Oh, I don’t know, Years ago after leaving a gathering of pagans that met in a book store cafe, a complete stranger walked up to me and pulled out a cd-r, telling me he just knew I was somebody he could entrust with this harry potter fan fic that had somehow resulted in his girlfriends house getting burned down.

    Money is a means of exchange, if you can exchange bitcoin for something it is money.

    well how about the Coruscant underworld like that now cancelled game was supposed to be about.

    or sometimes inside a black trash bag inside a car parked in direct summer sun on a 90 degree f day. I used to quarentine thrift store and yardsale finds in my car parked in the sumer sun. the interior got up to 135 F for more than 6 hours. Kills fleas, ticks, lice, and pretty much everything that could be a hazard

    heat is one of the easiest methods of eliminating them. all stages of bed bug die with temperatures above 160 F. for more than 20 minutes. Between that and closing objects in an air tight wrap of plastic and putting dry ice and or high concentration rubbing alcohol, and let it sit over night should get a resolution on

    the children of the lamp series might be to your liking.

    We lost Anne McCaffrey in 2011, Sir Terry Pratchett in 2015, now Jerry Pournelle. I better write my fan letters to Larry Niven and Spider Robinson soon before we lose them. And maybe tell John Ringo I enjoyed the first few books in the council wars series (haven’t read the others yet).

    he was trying to find the sun so he could know where to look when he had the glasses on, I mean obviously, it’s not like you can predict where the sun will be at any given time. :P

    The quote about Gollum and Shelob and your ‘translation’ of them are oceans apart. The idea that Shelob saw weakness and vulnerability in the ‘hero’ who was more of a pawn in the games played by more powerful forces against one another does not require that Gollum be any less self interested and desperately under the

    I feel compelled to ask: Y?

    I’d like to see a cast of unknowns. I’d say somebody of indian or Middle eastern decent to play Jet Black (although I’d bet Fishburne could do the role well). Faye always struck me as Japanese. I always thought of spike as sort of Half Chinese. And Edward was... um weird (likely about as mixed as one could expect a