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    I imagine some aspect of it is related to the fact that things that “might” kill you in 20-30 years are dismissed by many people if the person is 20-30 years away from reaching life expectancy.

    Hoverboards, no they aren’t. Batteries detonating, maybe some arrests are in order for selling know defective and dangerous products. Suggesting it needs to be removed from market because people are bad at using it? The heck man? You stay away from my bongo board and lawn darts too you bubble wrapped hippy!

    We should be looking at the LFTR and geothermal systems to provide base load. While we expand things like solar and wind into smaller household things that sell power back to a grid that has storage for evening out the peaks and valleys of use cycles.

    “If this sounds eerily reminiscent of the “a good guy with a gun would’ve stopped that bad guy with a gun” argument, that’s because it’s the same exact logic. Except, applied to a world where guns don’t even exist yet.”

    The perfect platform from which to survey my empire once I conquer the region and begin the relentless drive to dominate the solar system with orbital mass drivers and reentry fighter drones based at L5.

    So you are saying I should narrate my videos like that to become popular instead of just using text and no speaking while I demo the melting and forming processes for things like LDPE vs HDPE and melting pewter on a stovetop to pour into silicone novelty ice trays?

    Galactus isn’t a villian, he’s a personified trope. Comicbooks often decide to come up with something that will threaten to destroy the world. Galactus is Nothing BUT something that will destroy the world, dressed up as a character to cover for the fact that they couldn’t be bothered to come up with a story arch that

    brainy smurf is really more pedant smurf.

    it’s less steampunk, and more art deco style in my opinion. and maybe a bit too much withe the flashing lights for me.

    Thanks for that. I just spent 37 buck, and got about (roughly) 300 dollars worth of e-books. and that was after I cut my initial list in half.

    Thanks for that. I just spent 37 buck, and got about (roughly) 300 dollars worth of e-books. and that was after I

    Should I then have other cats arrested for sneak attack on unsuspecting siblings? We must enforce this arbitrary standard of safety from all surprises and pervasive potential for deep psychological scarring.

    The term is craft. He’s talking about writing as a craft.

    Things that this sculpture and Faye Valentine have in common. They are non-live female creations. end list.

    It’s funny how saying words like “white people” allows us to ascribe a cultural identity to a population who has no shared identity.

    Tis pop culture. You said it when you said she was drawing attention to the sport like it never had before. There’s the problem.

    Maybe BB-8 is non-binary.

    this is artistic brilliance.

    Your Momma was pretty easy to figure out last weekend.

    I don’t know if it’s a wording thing or not, but some of the implications strike me a reaching.

    A toe, meh. It’s the “Usually” part that has me creeped out.