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    I know it’s a Bricklin SV1 not a delorean and the shirt isn’t the right cut or have any chinese writing in white and my hair is not white. But that’s what you get when you mess with the space time continuum.

    you don’t want something to colonize the person, treatment on a regular basis is far better than treating once and then finding you have to cure the patient of the treatment with a course of long term antiparasitics or other harsh drugs that can damage other systems in the body.

    I know people wanna joke about zombies and worry about the end of the world, but really these look like they don’t do anything that we can’t already do at home. There is no gene splicing or small pox yeast hybrids or anything.

    My window sills have a higher percentage of human DNA, as does our carpeting. It’s called dust. and any building with large vats of meat open to the air and human staff... it’s just gonna happen.

    I liked the Conan reboot. Boo-hoo, it’s not ONald’s Conan, yeah and that ones not exactly the the one from the comics or the novels.

    I read the first four, years back, and I remember very little of them other than the fact I considered them well written and and interesting departure from the usual magic teen story tropes. I was also unaware that more had been written. Last thing I remember was a computerized spellbook or something.

    I think he finally remembered to go pick up those power converters at the station.

    Soooooo much Bullshit in in this study.

    maybe it’s a living ship with a lost astronaut and a crew of extraterrestrial prisoners fleeing a military organization of human relatives through a wormhole.

    I know I’m new to creating youtube content, but I’m inclined to wait and see with this.

    I was bored and stopped reading about five sentences in... But I could watch the hell out of that Gif all damn week, I cannot stop laughing.

    crappity crap crap, I hope I’m wrong here, but a leather jacket and what looks like fur in the snow with the heroine crying over them and the the hero lighting a sabre to stand against an opponent he’s well aware that he’s got little chance of beating.

    kidney structure are to kidneys what real cheese product is to cheese.

    Years ago I encountered the character Eric John Stark In a big book Called the Ginger Star. It was dark and somewhat savage. I hear the previous works involving her solar system are not quit so brutal in story, and I mean to get around to them someday.


    enjoy the show while you can, it’s only gonna get weirder and weirder as I gradually give fewer and fewer fucks about what anybody thinks and just start doing stuff my way.

    The other day I saw two that I was absolutely disgusted by. They made a Caitlyn (Jenner) costume that is just a slinky dress with shoulder pads up front and a bad wig. and right next to it was something they called the olympian. which was an effeminant looking mens track outfit and wig.

    that’d be nice. I’ve about had my fill of the entire race. Can we just wrap up this complete fluster-cluck of and experiment that was human culture already?

    Paracelsus always gives me the giggles. The Guys middle name was Bombastus, and he did some experiments which made the feathers of his chickens fall out (they grew back more vibrant than before) and made one of his post menopausal maids menstrate again... without her knowing. She was decidedly freaked out.