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    Looks like an armillary sphere to me. :D

    The last point is one I don’t hear many talking about and was something I confronted recently when there was the big wig out over a female thor and a black captain america and somebody made a sarcastic post about a gay Maori wolverine.

    So now injuries will actually fountain blood like in the movies, a steady stream or blood with no spurting.

    this makes me think about myth and folktales relationships with wilderness and ‘civilisation’. It occurs to me that the older tales get the more the idea of wilderness is described as a terrifying dark and scary place that swallows children and intends harm to those that stray from the hard fought trails through them.

    take the plastic capture through a thermal depolimerisation process.

    I’m working on a six works of art that I want to finish by the end of the week. Each a very different style and technique I came up with.

    I’ve said it before but:


    I’m no expert on cars or anything, and the whole manhood angle of this was moderately idiotic, but this really makes me sad.

    so which side of “Meet the Robinsons” would people put it on?

    I think if had been phrased better there was a point to be made. It’s one about quantity vs quality.

    sooo, maybe I’m missing something but... it seems like his problem about passive taking in of ‘secondary worlds’ is refuted by his example of people asking questions of and expanding and exploring the worlds created.

    The inclinations is to imagine one man fathering hundreds, spreading the genes far and wide.

    which time?

    I still struggle with this from time to time. But in my mind I’m getting better at being aware of it when it arises. For me it comes in the cloak of imagining that this are more complicated than they are and that the people who do them successfully started out as good as they are now.

    I’ve had a similar question for some time. I can’t help but think that there must be a way. My thinking is that the chinese Junk. which is a good design for sailing into the wind.

    the era of stage coach robbers has returned.

    Anything you can do she can do better.

    I want an evil symbiote dispenser.