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    the last link is defective, it’s a ‘Mail to’ link.

    I can imagine stacking and ‘welding’ the mined out carcasses of asteroids and collected space junk into a sort of foam moon. Filled with hollows and tunnels beneath a solid surface.

    you reap what you sow. Sow glorified childish romps in genre fiction and that shall be the whole of your harvest.

    a patch to make one allergic to meat so they would avoid it? Of all the lazy stupid shit...

    as a face dancer, I support this.

    as somebody who knows many women suffering from endometriosis the idea of an artificial womb has been in my mind as something with vast potential to enable better outcomes. The number of times surgery to end pain and suffering is refused by medical professionals because somebody is too young and would result in

    Blindspot: Sooo John Doe meets Jessi XX (Kyle XY)? Okay, I’ll give it 3 episodes. If it works maybe a season. It’ll have to be spectacular to get more than that with this premise.

    Sapient, the word is sapient (meaning wise, essentially used to mean thinking or reasoning). Dogs are sentient, which means to sense things.

    I don’t know why I love this one so much. I kinda want to see it on a t- shirt.

    well things can’t simply continue they way they are. In a decade or so the ability to automate just about everything, white blue and no collars is going to absolutely crush employment, and at the same time obliterate the attempted climb of poorer countries when outsourcing evaporates because things can simply be done

    Um, I bought my 3d printer for $300. and theres a model reprap with a parts cost under 250, so comparable to a higher end microwave. these can print whole complex pieces in one go, in some cases with moving parts. the size of your build platform is the biggest restriction on whether there is some assembly required

    I was fairly disgusted with the lulaby BS. I didn’t see it as a baby and mommy issue, so much as beauty taming the beast.

    Am I the only one who gets the story in this movie?

    who is going to care. really. “What a terrible day at work, I need to get absolutely shitfaced... but only if it doesn’t mean getting too many calories.”

    sounds a bit like you might be trying too hard.

    I’ll support that. Though I think we should, in an effort to get it more readibly adopted, call it ‘the Sawyer Bootstrap Drive’

    the pitch sounds like ‘witchhunter robin’ the preview makes it sound like I’d rather ride the elevator at a chili cooking convention.

    I didn’t say the author doesn’t know, I said the story doesn’t need it detailed. The reader and the writer need only know the box keeps food cold, the mess under in the hidden parts of the car make it go vroom, and the tiny black blocks with little silver legs all around it makes a computer think and a calculator

    can you explain a nand gate? how about carburetor? the heat pump of the fridge?

    I think there is an aspect of this that holds true because much of what we use in the world around us we don’t get bogged down in the details.