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    I generally don't know the race or gender of the author of most books or stories I read until a find something I like well enough to track down more from an author. BUT I'm not fool enough to believe that's some kind of protection from limited perspectives in literature. I know that most of what makes it through to me

    why would you take Emma Frosts pants from her?

    the conceit of the self superior. I know it seems that way to me sometimes too. But the truth is people will always find something that interests them and do it. You may not always value what they do but at that point what does it matter?

    why on earth would you need a taxi driver. Cities could easily build public transport systems of automated busses and trollies, subways and 'free rental' cars with gps. I give rides to hitchhikers from time to time and have had many great conversations and it would be fun to play tour guide to visitors on some days

    why would we need mcdonalds workers. I can replicate a burger and fries and I can even make them healthier choices if I want.

    I don't pay the roomba I salvaged and repaired to do the cleaning up. low skill, no training jobs are the easiest things to automate a solution to.

    there is nothing communist about this. That's what's so funny about you "Yes, but communist..." folks. This is the purest form of self sufficiency, mixed with the purest form of free market. The supply and demand are perfectly even, and every person who wishes can have a business of their own because they can make

    "but without the financial incentive to go out and do something productive for society,"

    that's depressing.

    I've used this for concentrating vinegar and if memory serves you might be able to use it for peroxide.

    the top half of the image I could see being a tanish mustard color over a vaguely off white. But the moment I paged down and the bottom half was all I saw it struck me as a more lavender and charcoal combo.


    My testosterone should on average be half what it is, and going down to a ottom level of 300-400. A young man going through puberty should max out at around 1150. I've got at least 200 more than that.

    Adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) is a rare, highly aggressive cancer of adrenal cortical cells, which may occur in children or adults. ACCs may be "functional", producing steroid hormones and consequent endocrine dysfunction similar to that seen in many adrenocortical adenomas, but many are not. Due to their location

    it's that kind of "if a little bit of booze is good, then a whole barrel of whiskey will e great" thinking that's a problem here. More T than a body should produce isn't a good thing for somebodies long term health.

    hawkings motor neurons are ruined not any part of his body.

    terminal brain cancer.

    Can I bring you with me when I have to see the idiot endocrinologist I've been assigned.

    admittedly I don't play many games much past the mid nineties but Have to ask- Am I seriously the only one who pays attention to the other stuff going on in the game and not even noticing the jiggle or lack there of that is put into a character?