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    For her next article she will discuss how humans supplied information about a topic with strong parallels to their own social and pan-cultural conflicts but with the addition of transposed subject species names. The results seem to be that humans are incapable of discussing the topic and it's implications,

    what do you mean would be. have you checked the internet lately. I'm pretty sure if I went and checked- hang on... yup, google vore, and unbirthing. Have fun.

    human orifices are not like wormholes you dumb twit. the route something takes through the body isn't decided by which coordinates one dials before swallowing a pill.

    for me the difference is that in a game for a computer you are often being lead to a given course of action. I recall a puzzle solving game where somebody was supposed to put a bucket under one side of a see-saw like balanced beam so once you were past the fulcrum it was a level plank that served as a means of getting

    but then it wouldn't be our moon and thus not as likely to have a moon at al, considering the origins of our moon are rather specific.

    things can look reversed when viewed from the other side.

    flying cars are like supermans powers: only cool if you're the only one with them. if everyone had supermans powers then they'd being superman wouldn't be super it would just be normal.

    as somebody in a family with a history of this problem I can assure you the test is part of the process but it is not the deciding factor. It's information that demonstrates a risk factor, there is a lot more that goes into deciding to go through with surgery.

    and they do that based on a single test done through the internet? No they don't, because they are not idiots. The do a comprehensive analysis of the risks with torough testing before they do it.

    Uh what exactly are you arguing for. Honestly, a patient who harms themselves based on insufficient information is at fault for their harm.

    that's not the same thing at all. 23 and me never ever claimed genetic testing cures anything, nor is any doctor worth their salt going to operate on a patient based on a genetic test that shows a risk factor for some condition.

    I always just chalk it up to Boba being a continuum transfunctioner. No explination needed or expected.

    lightbulbs that have been on are hot, best protect me from them because some other idiot might burn themselves.

    I think it does make a difference. I got my results a year before the FDA noise. The FDA is a US regulation agency in the government of US of A. protecting us from whole milk and too much information.

    the entertainment purposes only bit was expressly because they were not approved by medical boards or the FDA, and because idiots who don't understand genetics will see a marker and assume they have a disease.

    correct me if I'm wrong but 23 and me was prevented from offering health information, not from doing genetic testing in general. They still ran heritage and family connections. And they still offered the raw data one could take to study against the research data for conditions if we wanted.

    Has it occurred to anybody that maybe it has more to do with degrees of interrelationship that differ between genders as a cultural phenomenon? How women, at least in American culture that I've observed, related to people regardless of gender is a complex list of interrelated catagories that people move around in.

    and yet you keep operating from the false binary that one either hunts or gathers. Scavenge, ambush, and entomophagy. They are far more resource efficient.

    Stop peddling psuedo-science. Horses sweat, they do not do so to allow themselves to hunt more game. In fact many animals sweat as a means of thermoregulation.

    wonder if they'd work in a tortilla recipe. I mean as the actual tortilla.