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    just what I need to compensate for my greatly oversized manhood.

    Lego Paternoster Gang Please and thank you

    most of these wouldn't work for my social circle. at least half of us do these sorts of things all the time. It's pretty much how we use facebook. That and complimenting people on what they are wearing right now.

    wonder if there is a market for scrambled porn channel art lamps and such?

    a lot of this seems insanely optimistic. Oh I don't doubt that we will crack some of these problems and come up with some increadible advancements before 2025. I just have had to work with the medical system and look through the processes of bringing new treatment options through the clinical trials to know that stuff

    meh, it just means the scripting departments are getting sloppy. It's understandable, they can't expect that a detail like that would expose the elaborate worlds they have to make for our staged and broadcast lives on interplanetary programming networks.

    There is some implication involved (with absolutely nothing I know of to support it) that each of our minds inhabit only one universe and that the universes are the same for everybody in them.

    no she wasn't unless there were some very big changes somewhere along her life in the past.

    I'd wager it has a bit to do with the breakdown of the sugar. Table sugar mixed with an acid and heated goes from a disaccharide to a mix of fructose and glucose. very similar to what one finds in grapes and other sweet fruits as well as honey.

    congratualations, you successfully channeled a former housemate of mine. well mostly. You didn't steal anything, squirrel food away under the couch you sleep on all the time or crap in grocery bags and hide them around the house before going to work.

    I'm listening just fine, and the only exaggerations I see are a lot of people worrying about AI as some huge threat. Fire is dangerous. Hell too much table salt is dangerous. One does not require the overblown warnings and declarations of fear and alarmism being issued by celebrity nerds for those.

    I've studied the topic, thank you very much. I think you might want to review it yourself. Your conceit is unbecoming.

    In which case the problem is not the AI, it's both the people who make the AI to do it, and the people who develop systems that grant the capability for AI to do it.

    I'm not worried because the only thing computers want is what we tell them to want.

    It is thanks to this article that I spent hours of my snowed in day researching transforming robots and the histories of factions I'd never heard of when I was a wee one. I'm not sure sure if this is a sort of blaming you or a thanking you.

    Many planets move inward over time. The planets in question have had 11 billion years in which to make their progress inward. I wouldn't rule out life having been on one at some point in the distant past.

    why are we focusing on monotheistic religions? and Abrahemic ones at that?

    Honestly, I think the closest thing to it in the real world would be a mad scientist. The likes of Doc Brown from back to the future, with aspects of Da Vinci and Tesla and a bit of alchemist thrown in.

    I take it they are throwing out a fair bit of the characters histories. Or one of the Storm siblings was adopted.

    I've not seen anybody mention it, so I guess I will. My niece is still a preteen for just a bit longer I believe. She already has her preferred college picked out, and a couple of back ups just in case. And if her chosen field doesn't work out for her she's been told she needs to have a plan for something else. Her