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    current job involves door to door (with select list of specific houses) in a new town every few days to ask people for their thoughts on climate change a political representation of any concerns they have on the topic. Buuut for me it's getting paid to go for 4-5 hour walks on a summer afternoon/evening, look at

    have three projects at different stages of completion going. If you can't seem to make yourself work on one, procrastinate by working on another. Only allow yourself this form of productive procrastination. You either buckle down and get used to making yourself push through uncertainty or reluctance to finish the

    what makes anybody think that objects that exist as part of the world which has four dimensions are not in fact 4 dimensional themselves? or that we oursleves do not already exist 4th (and higher) dimensionally? I can't just step into the fourth dimesnion because I'm already there in part. anymore than I can withdraw

    Normal does not equal uniformity. It is not the opposite of individualism. Normal is opposite extravagant, remarkable, eye catching. The point seems to be to stop dressing yourself in the fashion version of a shock jocks broadcast. It doesn't always have to be about getting attention. You can look good without trying

    this also works for traits, so when you encounter somebody who has an annoying or derailing personality trait you can reframe it so that you don't feel that a person is a burden or obstruction. Stubborn ==> perseverance, nosy ==> curious, paranoid ==> vulnerable... ect it allows you to turn a obstacle or

    this is basically my answer when people argue against job automation and an end to work for a living (be it a basic income or some other means). They always imagine that people will do nothing at all. But if you've ever had to be on bedrest for health reasons or spent time in an old folks nursing home with no

    I know people often say that multi function tools don't function as well as specialized tools but I'm a big fan of my craftsman bolt on drill based tool, and it's cousin the Black and decker matrix.

    be interesting to see cost of living, property tax, total tax burden, property costs, rental costs and average income.

    I like this map. Thanks for the info. Looks like New Mexico is the place to rent.

    I can't believe all the people freaking out about working on an outlet. What exactly passes for DIY these days? I'm not old enough to be nostalgic for the days where people would pull electric motors out of broken appliance and use them to build bench grinders and polishing wheels.

    I just keep hoping that a job finding strategy article might actually be something other than one more set of tips about resume writing as if that is the only thing involved in looking for a job. After all it was once written- "...you shouldn't assume your experience is universal."

    I'm starting to wonder if I should just stop looking at the job advice posts. I cannot remember the last job I had that actually wanted a resume. Most every job I've ever had only takes the standard application form. If you handed in something you printed yourself it was handed back to you.

    does this apply to used cars as well. Cuz honestly a new car sounds great but between purchase and arriving home with it, the car becomes a used car and thus worth several months rent less. Sooo that trip home from the lot isn't worth that much for me.

    some of these might be out of your territory, but...

    I've actually played only a few games here and there when I was younger, but I collect the source materials for many RPGs because I just like creating worlds and characters and scenarios with them.

    I go through phases in my hobbies/creative side businesses. I've not done any painting in about two years, but am currently working one some electronics projects. And I've not done stained glass in over five years. But I will cycle back around and the electronics will go into a corner and I'll pull out one of the

    so now you know what I'm doing with my money too. Jeeze that clairvoyance of yours must be such a great burden, yet it seems to continually fail to allow you to see the actual issue.

    actually no I haven't. but keep telling yourself what you need to to justify your beliefs. Living within a state in which my employment takes place and in which I have little option other than HOA is no better than being forced to sign on to a union to get a job because unions control that field in you region. You

    Yes because working a job full time and raising a family isn't enough work, I should have to spend twenty six hours a week on political actions to make sure I don't have to spraypaint my lawn to avoid a fine.

    the real question is whose idea was it to have people inventing laws about how green their neighbors lawns have to be to prevent them from having to pay fines.