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    no, I don't live in an area without HOAs because there are none in the nearest 57 mile radius where the individual property value is under 250 grand for less than 3 acres. Oh unless you want to talk Condos and trailer parks which have condo associations and or park land mangement groups.

    HOAs can get bent. they are a blight on the population of this country. They are absolutely everywhere and the thing that pisses me off is: if you can just afford your first house it is pretty much a given that you will be beholden to these 'organizations' and told what duties you must perform on your property and

    I've known a few people who got good cars for the cost of a happymeal because of 'Divorce'. Think about it. Jointly owned things that an ex gets half of the sales price for. There are enough people willing to take a slight loss to say F U to an ex trying to pad their wallet with the spoils of their relationship, and

    No no no, get an egg slicer, slice, rotate 90 degrees, slice again, rotate at a right angle to the first rotation plane 90 degrees, slice again. and mix with your dressing and a knife.

    $20, If you ever think you will need to borrow from me again make sure it's paid back. I'm willing to lose $20 to be friendly and helpful to most people. If I do lose that much it doesn't change my opinion of you for the negative it just means you can't borrow from me again until it's paid back.

    go to your goodwill, go directly to one of two sections - romance, or reference. Grab a hard bound book with a dust jacket that when removed gived you almost no indication what the book is. Or grab a Guiness book of world records or dictionary. The universe is absolutely lousy with masses of these things and they are

    oh oh oh, I know, why not use books you never plan to read again, then you can make them even more solid by replacing the paper with metal and glueing it in. Then it's... a book end.

    actually put the new Thor in the next movie. I'd love to see the movies legitimize this as not just some story arc. Give her her own movie to follow up.

    hmm, kinda disappointing. I'd have liked to see Leonardo on there, and how about Tesla. Maybe Einstein too. And I have to agree that the difference between before they made it and after would be an interesting one to see.

    a simple blood pressure cuff from walmart that, maybe an oxygen level reader, and a blood glucose meter from walmart. None set you back very much and by taking my glucose occasionally on waking and two hours post meal, I've saved myself several fasting blood tests at the doctors by having a record. I'm not hyper or

    and of course theres no data for NH, VT, and Maine. recently looking to move or get a house where I could rent out rooms because rent here has become insane lately to the point that it might be cheaper to look into buying the increasing number of forclosures.

    you may have to remove this at some point if it becomes an as seen on TV infomercial product. It has all the hallmarks. It can be made by a four year old out of things found in most homes, it would take four minutes to make one yourself, and the biggest one of all... it's a solution to something that isn't really a

    I think the thing I find disconcerting about these images is that there are police and none uniformed people standing and talking while these individuals are just sprawled out on the ground.

    Heres one for you. My landlord went to a locksmith to get the locks changed when we moved in, because they'd not been changed in ten years. The locksmith took four of the cheapest doorknobs manufactured off his shelf, pinned them to two seperate keys and a master key. Handed the knobs to my land lord to install

    "Basically, as a woman, I'd be more confident in my ability to win a fight with a woman than with a man"

    yes because we've all got a fat stack of options to thin down because there are just so many hirings going on right now. Face it for a good chunk of the population finding a place that will write you a paycheck means they own you, but it's the only game in town.

    that depends on where and how you earn your paycheck. Generally speaking for most people it's not a question of can you work this long weekend, but when did they schedule you to work, full stop.

    Medicare and Medicaid. After that first four months my doctor set up a referral to a GI specialist and then just stopped returning my calls and refused to do any other visits until I'd dealt with the GI specialist. It took three months just to get in to see one. Then we tested for one strain of bacteria. Negative.

    That's funny because I've been fairly sick for seven years and can't get a doctor to run just about any test at all. I was having symptoms of severe food poisoning and severe pain for 4 and a half months and the most I could get a doctor to do is press on my abdomen to try and detect inflammation of the appendix.