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    I hear what you are saying. But still feel that the biggest difference between what you are talking about and what this article is talking about is that you are coming from the perspective of How much money do you need to MAKE you happy (which has sooo many errors in thinking, and I'll tell you now nobody has ever

    "wouldn't you be happier if you didn't have $13,000 per year but instead had $130,000 per year. ...Wouldn't it be fantastic to go on a 2 week vacation with the whole family to some beautiful destination?... Wouldn't it make you way happier if you could afford great medical care for your chronic illness so you can

    wow, my condolences to you and your loved ones. I mean I make under 13000 a year and have a chronic illness that makes life a nightmare of pain sometimes but at least my ability to take pleasure in life, and to not need gaudy expensive things to feel there is value in my existence, is something I can depend on. I

    I'd be curious to see what the male and female avatar ratios come out to be. Basically I find myself wondering if a gaming worlds ratio of male and female characters approaches real world ratios. There might well be a sense of natural/ cultural levels for such things and it may effect the likelihood that somebody

    I just kind of wish at the last job I had they would have just let me come in for a set number of hours a week when ever seemed to make the most sense or I was able. Then assign me the twelve isles that need reconfiguring, restock, and tidying during the course of that week. Then leave me the hell alone. Let me go eat

    meh. the reason the start of this conversation happens more often than not in my experience is that culturally we are taught that when a woman refers to herself in an unflattering way we are supposed to stop that line of thought because it's a form of public self abuse and allowing it to continue is agreement with the

    Bah, who cares. You can't spend the rest of your life worrying if people will think you are crazy. Best to give them no reason to doubt that you are. I speak from experience as somebody who has openly yelled at his new pair of boxer shorts for going places best not gone while walking past a coworker in the back

    I've had to learn a great deal about nutrition over the past seven years, as I ended up only able to digest a handful of foods, none of which are processed. The first thing I realized is it's crazy simple to get the nutrients you need from food. For a while I was a bit worried I might be ODing on some things because

    It seems to me that this has less to do with answering the question and more of it being made a challenge. Doing the laundry is not a huge challenge just a chore to schedule, but if you give it a point at which to claim victory you've beaten the challenge.

    okay I guess I will be the first response not to mention airports... d'oh.

    I'm looking at building a tiny house on wheels to live on an acre of land. All the numbers I'm crunching suggest it would by far be cheaper than renting. I've priced two bed two bath houses in this area and found that there are twenty or thirty places nearby that with taxes, utilities, insurance and upkeep costs would

    Actually very useful to those of us with medical issues who live alone or plan to in the future.

    I'm good with that for the most part. Highly accurate markings on a sheet of wood to hand cut and plane pieces to fit together. Paper modeling, resize and cut patterns for clothing. Engrave surfaces.

    I just sent my resume and an extended application in to the local gaming store. They asked for an optional picture of myself... the only pictures I have are of me in halloween costumes and a some comics of me in silly situations.

    equal parts buttermilk, and mayo. add ranch dressing seasoning packet (or your own herbs to make ranch from scratch). Makes a nice ranch dressing.

    "90% of everything is crap"

    I find the immortality believers to be like religion and it does grate after a while.

    I've always said if I ever got a major windfall that I'd split it in thirds:

    I'd say it looks more like a cross between Kowloon walled city

    -The complete self: how you don't need to be part of a couple to feel whole.