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    makes me wonder if they made movies like that with a camcorder over a long weekend at some guys cabin in the woods.

    I'm not sure if you are trying to refute what I said or support it.

    I loved the idea of buying and striking medical debt, because nobody chose to suffer debilitating sickness or injury and are faced with losing everything because of it. But lets be serious, the educational system is broken. I've seen people paying 100s of thousands for a degree that doesn't get them work or a career

    no, because this would be all in the same single movie. with characters changing actors from scene to scene.

    lol, I've got a few other things ahead of this in line to crowd fund once I feel they are ready. Card game, utility pen, recipe book trilogy (sauces and condiments, art supplies, cleaning and body care; make your own from scratch so you know what they contain and how they work), a dry food good that meets the majority

    as I think about how to make the idea work, my feeling is to be true to the dadaism angle by keeping it to a very Dumas like way of incorporating the pieces into the while. I'd think that it would have to be done like readings for parts, sans scripts and in full set and costume. All the people would come in to read

    I wanted to write a script for a movie in which the actors are swapped out at random intervals. And the gender and race ... basically everything doesn't have to be consistent. And they don't pretend it doesn't happen. The pot bellied Italian mustachioed best friend named Vito becomes a Black woman, same name but they

    the devil you say... satanic hydrogen... surely you shall burn for such a recommendation.

    "so if you want an evil lair in a cave, you're going to have to put a Faraday cage around everything even remotely important."

    maybe it's me but most of the time I couldn't care less who said something, if the something was needed saying.

    you mean to tell me they couldn't find a fifteen year old and 100 bucks to rig an raspberry pi system that would read the text over a speaker system wired throughout the building (from giod will speakers).

    no, I mean that the image above would be the parallel of a camel toe on a female superheroine. as in butt shot compares to butt shot, as spider junk compares to camel toe.

    white, is not an ethnic group. nor is it a racial distinction. Phenotypal differences are classified into five groups at most, and middle eastern is not it's own group, they are a part of the caucasoid grouping in the old system that tried to establish boundries based on phenotype. Middle eastern ethnicity is varied

    well anger at my doctors who stopped returning my calls when I'd been sick for five months, and lost half my body weight and had no idea what was killing me, fueled my fight to recovery on my own, and made me stop looking for permission to live life on my terms from anybody. The fear and depression that had been

    "Plus, I have always wondered where Spider-Man's junk was."

    yeah I know there's no real way to do an apples to apples comparison, that was sorta my point. This image though is a bit more like a camel toe (which I am eternally grateful to have never seen in a marvel comic), where as I'm lead to believe that some women do like a guy with a nice butt so a male butt shot is not as

    okay that's kinda funny butt (pun intended) correct me If I'm wrong but the spider woman image was a gratuitous butt shot, no crotch or breast even vissible. so wouldn't the male equivalent be a gratuitous butt shot? I get that the male form is not fetishized and hyper sexualized like women are, but heart shaped ass

    you all do realize, that in the general system of classifications, middle eastern IS white, right? If you are middle eastern in the US and you are filling out a college application or getting a drivers liscence, you check the 'white' box.