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    current job involves door to door (with select list of specific houses) in a new town every few days to ask people for their thoughts on climate change a political representation of any concerns they have on the topic. Buuut for me it's getting paid to go for 4-5 hour walks on a summer afternoon/evening, look at

    who said anything about public transportation? nomadic tribe in the middle east own their camels. The camels could follow known route as the rider slumbers in the saddle. same idea, more advanced tech.

    people who simply ride around in autonomous cars and never get off. So essentially nomadic tribes? so what? No part of my existence requires everybody to stay exactly in the same place week after week.

    How do they taste?

    I can see how a group of glowers could be helped by a beacon that would draw predators of the predator threatening them. These little glowers would be too small to be a meal for anything eating the fish that target them. So throwing up a spot light on any fish coming near would make the idea of going in for another o

    I'm not condoning the original image but that computer generated thing is a joke. many of the angles are not the same, and the points of articulation are way off.

    I'm running under the assumption that this doctor is darker than we give him credit for. I think he both fears that in himself and desperately wants to prove to himself that he can't be on par with Daleks. But he can't figure out how to prove it, so he shifted that over to trying to prove it be opposing the archetype

    I would like to live until I'm done. Too often people ask how long do you want to live. That's the question asked the wrong way round. When is it okay to prevent somebody from living any more?

    My only experience with a Tarrasque was the time my character turned into one. The DM had introduced the main villian and we were supposed to fight and lose to him and set the stage for continued combat. My co adventurer had a wand of transformation or some such. We turned the villian into a goblin and me into a

    I'd be curious to know if the ethnic identity of rental property owners and business owners in these areas plays a significant part (I'd wager yes) in the gentrification issue. Admittedly that is in part a factor of economic disparities itself.

    have three projects at different stages of completion going. If you can't seem to make yourself work on one, procrastinate by working on another. Only allow yourself this form of productive procrastination. You either buckle down and get used to making yourself push through uncertainty or reluctance to finish the

    is this meant to be an orbital elevator? kit the rest of the background like it is today and it's cyberpunk as hell.

    what makes anybody think that objects that exist as part of the world which has four dimensions are not in fact 4 dimensional themselves? or that we oursleves do not already exist 4th (and higher) dimensionally? I can't just step into the fourth dimesnion because I'm already there in part. anymore than I can withdraw

    they've already cracked that nut, there are ways of getting things placed in the body to go stealth for a few days, long enough to get in, perform the hit, and get out without tripping off a cytokine storm or even a mild allergic reaction.

    there has been some indication that corvids have culture and I can't help but wonder if is a learned avoidance transmitted by culture. From, say, traps.

    those of us who remember seeing Wally Wallington are apparently a rare breed.

    This is really interesting to me right now. I've had my gut microbiome run through Ubiome. But also of interest lately I had bronchitus that started into pnuemonia for which I was given a H-bomb like antibiotic... and within a month began to suffer allergy like symptoms from certain foods, and intolerances for

    I just did this amongst several other tests today. That one is clearly to women in courtly dresses with wings playing a game of chess on a pedestal. either that of two performers on a stage clutching each other to help cast shadows shaped like pegasus in the stage lights.

    Normal does not equal uniformity. It is not the opposite of individualism. Normal is opposite extravagant, remarkable, eye catching. The point seems to be to stop dressing yourself in the fashion version of a shock jocks broadcast. It doesn't always have to be about getting attention. You can look good without trying

    give me shelter, food, water, air that won't make me sick, a place to sleep and I will be far more secure and capable of persuing other things.