Loose Cannon

Not to mention the apparent supposition that there’s virtually no way Kansas State could have either stopped OU from going 38 yards nor won in OT.

What dollars? Studies have shown arenas MOVE entertainment spending. They don’t create it out of thin air; other entertainment options lose out (costing that tax revenue). Unless it came from outside of the tax district, it’s not even robbing Peter to pay Paul, it’s robbing Paul to pay Paul, from a tax revenue and a

And even if your new downtown spot DID become the new hotness, the only NEW tax revenue generated is money that comes from outside the spending government entity’s jurisdiction. Otherwise it’s just the same entertainment dollars moving around.

You must have missed the part where they DID build a new downtown arena. They don’t play in Auburn Hills anymore, that’s the point.

You ever been there? There’s nothing but parking within like a half mile in any direction. And no brick-and-mortar business is surviving because of 10 days of football a year.

I was at USC til 2007. No one went to downtown LA after it was built, either. I remember there being, like, one tolerable bar there and no scene whatsoever as it turned into a ghost town at night. Staples opened in 1999.

Fade to a Light Shade of Brown.

[thinks of fun pun]

YES. Even two miles kinda pisses me off. If you post (or allow a business to post) from 4-6 miles out it should be legal for motorists to burn your business to the ground when they arrive. You can fuck off and rent a billboard, motherfucker.

I got into USC, Northwestern and UNC (from out of state). I doubt Notre Dame is all that much tougher. Especially if they let you in, although I’m skeptical that actually happened: it is actually a good school.


And this conversation is why I like rugby as my America-sucks-at-it sport of choice.

Imma regret this.... but what did cricket do?

It’s ultimately the biggest problem with soccer: Because of low scoring and limited ref discretion (not to mention penalty box that outlines the scoring area as crudely as geometrically possible), marginal calls inherently become massive. Just look at the gaps created by the ref having no options and the scale of the

We don’t need your negativity on this chain.

Tebow is 6-3, 235.....that’s not the size of a smallish slot receiver.


Unfortunate. One rarely-mentioned benefit of being a twin is that you have someone else capable of producing identical sperm to yours in case your male baby-making parts are, you know, kicked up into your fucking throat.

I don’t brake from your assessment. My comment was made in a sarcastic frame of mind.

You really geared up for that pun.