
Weird, my roommates and I were just talking about this lat night. And the conclusion was all grandparents are racist. Which like the article suggests does a disservice to all those grandparents who made the right social adjustments.

"Seriously, I rather clean toilets for a living than have a 9-5 boss who is the most incompetent tool in the shed."

the only thing that bugs me about the excerpts of this article - is the same thing that bugs me when anyone speaks like this - "I believe everybody cheats."

wow! WTF?!

okay one last thing - and i promise i'm not trying to pressuring you! just wanted to add this.

I want it though feels like he'll start to expect me to want it more often and for it to be a regular thing,

you don't have to actually answer this here - but do you guys do other anal play? my bf was really interested in it and i told him i'd try it as long as we take our time and take it slow. and by slow i mean we haven't even gone anywhere near penis-butt. it's mostly been finger, mouth, anal bead, and lots of lube.

rooney mara i already don't like you. don't make it worse.

you know what's weird, reading this post and having a giant ads for 'Shame' all around it. just weird.


yes! this annoys me so much. i think it's a Qtip test for men - which yes, sucks, but so does having them slice up a little part of my insides. it's annoying that it's a 'woman's issue'.

from what i know (which could be misguided?) is that you can tell from the antibodies whether it's hsv 1 or hsv 2 - they have different risks associated, so knowing is quite important. but yes, antibodies won't be able to say if it's oral/genital since 1 and 2 can appear in either location, only an outbreak can give

reading through that description makes me realize how ridiculous this show has gotten! stopped watching after last season. but watching that clip of santana/mercedes doing adelle - ooh that almost sucked me back in. that was really great.

i wonder if having increased access to porn might help them put off sex. it's like they have these raging hormones and now have a way to calm them down without having to make some bad/regretable/silly sex choices.

i concur. i also dislike the 'OMG, the police did x to y-individual who clearly could never pose a threat even though they totally could' headlines.

i applaud Nina for her entrepreneurial spirit BUT when someone shoots down your idea, you come at them with a business plan, previous business models, card hold facts - not a whimpering — you don't think i can do it? are looking for 'daddy's' approval, or are you trying to start a business? she can talk the talk

yeah you're totally right.

i'm sure i'm romanticizing - but i really long for the days when college-goers were gentlemanly and ladylike young adults trying to pursue a higher knowledge. not overly hormonal, entitled children who need a good kick in the ass.

yes! wish he had gone just that extra step to fully embrace everything that is pin-up. the outfit/clothing choices were lackluster. in pin-ups the dresses/outfits were crucial to the whole image.

on a slight side note — is it any surprise that our country is full of men/pedophiles illegally lusting after children? when they're inundated with underage sexual images all the time.