
this totally made me wonder why he does want kids and why she doesn't. have they considered other options than the traditional way? can either of them financially provide for them? can he have a kid with someone else and they stay together? is it the physical part that bothers her? is it the raising a person that

my first reaction to the pose was - hey it's a nekkid woman of color, gotta show off those hips! sad, sad, stereotypes.

what that image is a joke right?! she looks like she's straight out of full house, like still in her tens.

My bf and I travelled together before we even knew each other really. Some time in the Bahamas and two weeks going across the U.S. We got into some tiffs but nothing crazy, it's a good time to be open and honest about who you are, how you handle things, what you want etc.

:) Thanks DA.

"Not to get all after school special on you guys, but what if we told, like, five women we love today, "Hey, if you're ever a victim of a crime, whether it's violent or sexual or whatever, I want you to know that I will be there for you and you can always talk to me about it."

I don't know if your issue was the way this article was written or with the episode plot (because what you're saying is the sub-text, is in fact the sub-text of the episode) and I agree.

seriously, i would give this woman money to keep this going. hate this kind of shit (the stuff on reddit.)

Definitely concur. I worked once I hit 16 (for financial necessity, for freedom, for self-reliance, etc.) and it was hard to that while doing a varsity sport, taking AP classes, but ya know what? I'm so glad I've had a long work history since 16, because it made finding a "real" job at 21 and 25 so much easier because

I think 'realizing' what you're doing when you're doing it is super important. It's one thing to be like fuck it, it was a terrible day, and I want this pizza in my belly pronto. It feels kind of good in a disgustingly gluttonous way. It's something else to have a terrible day and then eat a whole pizza, feel guilty

yeah, i totally get this. i know what people are getting at when they ask, but i always answer "upstate NY." (no, strangers never accept that answer and i usually have to give up that i'm half-korean and half-white.)

"because the Cornell kids sound like jerks." they actually just sound like any young, drunken, over-privileged person who's getting the attention of a NYTimes reporter.

yea, exactly!

i realize this is a lighthearted post and all, but seriously, am i the only person who watched/s because it's like pseudo-therapy for my own sexual assaults/injustices? i didn't really realize it at the time, but after marathon watching every season over a few months, i kind of came out on the other side being able to

my lip ring does not, can't say for tongue piercings.

i always wonder that! i think i'll take my lip ring out when i'm 30 - for purely arbitrary reasons. but who knows, maybe when that day comes, i won't be able to do it! lol

yeah, i hear you. i mean i look at some people's tattoos and just think, really? but it's not my body. it's just one of those to each their own situations. (and yes you can remove piercings, but the hole doesn't exactly close up and disappear - i have some scar tissue that protrudes from some old piercings, plus my

I just wanted to comment since it seems like most people don't really like it. And of course, to each their own.

i read this book in a day back in college, it was fairly compelling and easy to read, so i just kept going. the end is haunting. honestly, nothing in trailer is at all how i viewed the book. i thought it less about the high school experience, and more about the narrator's. ::shrug:: the movie's not for me anyway, but

yes, so true! let's enjoy and stop judging.