
i still struggle with believing it, but it's true.

Boyle said: "I have a theory about the reason [Price] married a cage-fighter—she needed a man strong enough to stop Harvey from fucking her."

i think we should call EVERY little girl pretty. that who they are and what they do is beautiful. build up that self esteem. kids don't equate pretty with thinness / boobs / foundation etc until someone (or some magazine) teaches them that. so let's avoid that.

you know what i loved about those photos? is that it's so obvious that "average" bodies can look freaking awesome all done up too. and there is absolutely no reason to exclude varying body types from fashion/modeling/magazines etc. someone in charge, please listen dammit!

As others have said 'pad' seems confusing. But "incontinence underwear" is not, and much less degrading.

ya know, when my ex-bf cheated on me, i wanted to kill him. i wanted to kill myself. it was a really emotionally difficult, and conflicted time. my coping skills were nada, it was just pure emotion. and it just makes me think, why are we so bad to each other? if he had just broken up with me, i truly would have

didn't you read the study? you clearly don't.

kidless person over here — does a kid this young actually just love something so much that they'd dedicate the time and effort to learn the song/dance moves? or does this smell more of parent's 'forcing' the kid to do something?

Just to reiterate your beautifully articulate point:

4. I have sent a personal letter of apology for any hurt feelings to Hajratwala, which she has ignored.

maybe the kids are just not learning modesty...?

i think i've aged out of the target demographic for lady gaga - and while i'm not a total hater, some of the songs are fun, she has a great voice etc - i really have to wonder if kids nowadays would look at old madonna videos and think they're completely hokey? because seriously, this video is laughable. nothing

you know what was great about Tina's response? is that everyone cares what she thinks because she's ya know, Tina Fey. And she could have ignored and been like whatevs as a straight woman. But instead, she spoke up for those on the show who aren't as prominent (the payroll people, set designers etc) but may have been

this seems a little hokey to me. if you go to the daily mail and see the uncropped photo - it easily looks like a bike ad. this seems like a marketing ploy. but then again - I'M A HUGE SKEPTIC. lol

no shit, i sort of teared up over this.

i forget the movie - but apparently it explained that "is the way" (whatever that means) for strangers to have mile high sex. to sit in the bathroom exposed and leave the door unlocked. crazy, right? and gross.

i'm ready to do this on my own now

yeah, i don't understand why they don't have like a professional account and then a personal one that's more conspicuous. that's becoming more common in the corporate world.

read the original article - so - o- o- o- lame.

bit of a side note, so sorry. but i'm reading a lot of comments about women not wanting to ask for a raise because they don't want their bosses to call their bluff. advice #1: if you're going to ask for a raise - don't bluff.