
What did you look this up?

she wondered, "Am I just being a baby?"

cornell, stop disappointing me!

Ogas and Gaddam cite an eye-tracking study finding that "men consistently direct their gaze to the male crotch, though women rarely do so."

there's a physics section to the SATs?!

The notion (fact?) that an "abortion will terminate the life of a whole, separate, unique, living human being"

I'm really glad she said something.

tina fey has some mama grizzly bear eyes in that photo.

wait seriously - fingers go inside the waist band? whaaaaaa?!?!

what you just describes confirms that i won't be having children any time soon! a split nipple - yikes :(

seriously! i want to see a little more outrage at kings of leon's drummer's tweet. ugh.

yes! was about to make that comment.

for the haters. what is not to love!

i know this isn't fair... but it also seems kind of dull because she's a thin, leggy, stereotypically attractive woman. plus i don't feel like her poses are genuine... there's a photo of her on a motorcycle and her back is super arched and playboy-posed-esque... eh i don't know, not impressed.

see i would think it's annoying if people were shuffling products around for no reason. But for the reason of spelling boobs or something more risque ;) i would chuckle and not mind so much. - although... if it happened everyday it'd be annoying. april fools day only people.

good or bad, i'm glad Max shared it. this experience so rarely gets told (IMO) and should be told more often... especially since I really want to do with a loved one. :) next pegging story please?

i don't know much about ET, nor have i seen any of her movies. but i just checked her IMDB and she was in over 70 movies. maybe can question whether she was any good at it, but damn, it seems like the woman knew how to work.

to each their own. i think there are better examples in the world of what you're describing - which jezebel does often report on. i think this was a weak one.

This shit matters. It lingers. And it affects women and men. ...It's awfully patronizing to say that this doesn't matter as though the women who go to Johns Hopkins don't have a right to a college experience free from these attitudes.

yeah i definitely agree with what you're saying.