
If you feel like a loser for not having a baby, that is your personal truth, but it is not The Truth.

not to be a hater - but can Jezebel stop reporting on all these stupid college-opinionated personal musings. or at least be more critical of the ones to spread.

LOL nice!

yeah i see what you mean. i guess i didn't think rihanna's forgiveness would redeem him, more just like if she had moved past it, she'd probably want people to stop bring it up too and just move past it - maybe..? I don't know... just thinking aloud.

on a side note: has rihanna in any way forgiven him? if so, i think society should cut him some slack. if not, he has to accept that their are consequences for his actions and not throw a constant temper tantrum.

whoa - hobbes is in this?

some what related question: do airline attendants/pilots/personnel receive any kind of diversity training? if not, they should. clearly.

i've always wanted to try pegging, and have yet to find a partner willing to do so. ::sigh:: a girl can keep dreaming right? one day, one day!

interesting - i get e-mails from and the topic was: Panel Wants Women in Combat Arms.

maybe you should point him to those uber rich people like warren buffet, who didn't give their kids a penny because he wanted them to work for it and learn the value of hard work. not to imply your kids would be spoiled. just to spin it in away so that he doesn't feel like he's depriving them, rather giving them

i think you've got a point. my dad and i are especially close and everyone in the family knows it. i haven't read the article, only skimmed it, but it just seems like better parenting would instill the i-love-all-my-children-equally mantra until said baby/children were adults and could actually handle that sort of

sometimes i just feel bad them. what sad, sad people.

this is just a NYC phenom right? because i grew up upstate and went to a really poor elementary school, and a decent middle and high school and got into an ivy league school just fine. don't these parents realize these schools are totally feeding off their fears and swindling them?

seriously, dear sir, is rude and insulting? seriously?!

AGREED! If the OW knows that the man is involved in some way, she needs to keep her legs close. Solidarity sisters.

Thanks for responding.

Oh, see I didn't know about all the tabloid infidelity reports. *Sigh* Wouldn't it just be nice to see two beautiful people, with passionate careers, beautiful children have a loving, sort of boring, not-scandalous marriage and life.

LOL if I can't imagine them perfect, then I'll have to imagine them this way! :)

::eye roll:: you clearly didn't read any of the other comments or my responses.

I don't know much about the Beckhams — are they actually as perfect as they seem? I really hope so.