
You and @erischilde say I made rude and condescending insults, and yet neither of you point them out. I really don't believe I was being rude or condescending in anything I said. And simply asking the author "did you ask her why Juliet was brave?" would be completely missing the point of me trying to encourage his

Oh, I wasn't implying that he was raising his little girl to be a second class citizen, I was implying that society will treat her like one, by default because she is female.

I do apologize for the universal 'we' of Jezebel. It was just a tidier way of summing up the voices of a lot of people — although, I completely admit, not all.

? I think you might have read into my comment the wrong way.

A lot of people had made criticisms about the Daddy Issues series - may I make a suggestion?

Anita Ellis Hancock, the mother of one of the suspects, also says the girl's mother is responsible for not knowing where her child was.

i get really frustrated when people use positive terms to describe themselves and do nothing to earn it. Forget about the controversy over Bitch or Christian and Bitch. What about In the whirling midst of salacious gossip, Botox, and fraud confirms that any of these people are good?

I kissed him back enough to convince him that I liked it, and then I turned my head away, and I cried. I kept my body still and I didn't make a sound. I cried because I felt so trapped.

Glee is going to have a teacher-student pedophile episode right? Right?!

to add on to @cimorene's comment, an 'easy' way to tell whether a man likes anal or is just power tripping is to ask to penetrate him. most men who see anal as a pleasurable, rounding out of sexual energy are generally open (understandably hesitant like most women are) to the idea of trying it, at least a little, at

when my ex cheated on me, i had half a mind to mail all "our" stuff to the lady (who is in australia.) so she knew what she had broken up.

thanks rebecca! that made a lot of sense to me.

really?! i am jaw-droppingly amazed by that. I hear they're slow, have terrible customer service, aren't up-to-date etc etc. They get by because they were one of the first in the game/have one of the most recognized names, but not because they're actually good. ::shrug:: Huh.

thanks! sorry for the slow reply, with this new format I didn't know I had any replies to this comment.

i hate the warfare of smells! my body is not a battle zone for Lavena, oatmeal vanilla and bathroom rain (WTF?). i definitely try to buy scent free everything, that way on the rare occasion i use my $80 perfume, it can actually smell pretty the way it's supposed to.

Oh good, I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this was subversively a racial issue.

Yes please. I read it the same way you did and I momentarily stopped breathing.

being a woman means forking over more money for daily upkeep.

I really want to join the marine corps. I'm a 26 year old, liberal, straight woman.

or a college fund for the numerous kids across the country who can't afford a "luxury" like college? i'm irked there's not more rampant disapproval, on this site and in the country. this is the sort of stuff that makes me think the poor need to take up arms. this is beyond ridiculous. ::le sigh::