
Don’t you know that “Certified” makes it 1000x more impressive?

Yup. No way Professor X is making it out in one piece, and Logan looks like he’s one foot in the grave too.

that’s there so the passenger can’t mess with the radio. Fuck people, the driver picks the station...

No one in his position would be. Only an insane and obsessed person would do what he’s done.


Audi and MB definitely have the best interiors right now. I think I prefer the style of MB but Audis feel nice to sit in.

Unless you went to a top tier law school you aren’t making bank. A lot of law school graduates never even practice law (somewhere around 40% last I heard), there’s no jobs out there.

Wrong Archie lol

This. Buy a fancy clown car once your loans are paid off.

You’d think he’d at least contain his mess to his private study, like previous presidents.

IDK, it’s not great PR. But suppressing debate and free speech shouldn’t be something that a UNIVERSITY should do. That’s kinda bad PR too, so damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

Well they already did a Witcher series back in the early 2000s, it was called The Hexer.

How about this one?

I don’t know about you but I NEVER buy any products that feature ads with white people or men.

people are fat because they are lazy. Fat isn’t genetic or a disease. You can’t catch a bad case of obesity. You literally need to eat yourself to death.

Of course, those fat women expect men to eat well and hit the gym. But they won’t do the same. Hypocrites.

Yes. Maybe people won’t be so fat if we weren’t catering to them so much. It’s unhealthy and it’s a drag on society.

Unless he’s 7' tall 300 lbs is fucking morbidly obese. Koreans are like half his weight, maybe next time he should buy a car built for morbidly obese Americans.

They fixed the same part twice before. Gotta draw the line somewhere. Sorry that this guy can’t lift his fat ass an inch when getting out of his car.

It’s reasons like this that a couple of AYCE places near me charge you for the food you don’t eat (within reason of course).