
Trudeau won’t do anything. Maybe he’ll take a few selfies with refugees, tweet shit about how Canada will take everyone (we can’t and won’t), and then do nothing of substance other than put our country in more debt.

No, only the AWD Golfs are still made in Germany. The Mexican plants aren’t prepped to build those yet.

Great, space racists again. Make Earth Great Again TM.

Well they aren’t military, they’re civilians that work for a government organization.

It is not. Most people only get raises if they get promoted or find a new job. Also people should keep in mind automation will kill millions of jobs in the future. You may not have 40 years to save for retirement.

Which civil war are the referring to? There’s been lots.

You are making the assumption that those people want to retire at 65. Most people I know plan to retire a decade (if not more) before that. I’ll be in a position to semi-retire well before 50, after that I’ll work part time (and probably spend 50% of the year in a tropical country) to pay my bills and let my

CW needed to make time for their sexy Archie show.

Depends. First things first, where are you at with your retirement savings?

Yes, because patriarchy.

Better get building that internet wall. Maybe Canada will pay for it?

Luke will die. I doubt Disney wants to base their new series of movies around a 65 year old man. At that age you could suddenly die.

Just imagine how much you’d have without kids. No child care costs, no saving hundreds of thousands for their college. Make it rain.

Yeah glass is bad example since it’s not a durable material, so it won’t last longer (though it might look better).

And flagged.

Buying hand made items is a lot better than buying a expensive name brand item made in a sweat shop. For one, they will last 2-3 times longer. And you are supporting a craftsman, rather than lining the pockets of corporate millionaires.

Sorry, this isn’t Jezebel. GTFO with your shaming language.

She’s in her mid 30s. That’s when aging hits women hard.

*Closes bug as works for me*

Well in their defence (people that don’t follow through) it’s kinda hard to immigrate to Canada, unless you are a refugee.