I hope people blamed you for your rape. Karma is a bitch.
I hope people blamed you for your rape. Karma is a bitch.
So its not rape if you dont say no? Sorry, thats not how consent works. Its still rape. Maybe not as horrifying was what other people have went through but still rape.
They should make it so if you get close to a quest giver you are automatically dismounted.
Rape culture? This is akin to publishing the addresses of known rapists that get away with their crimes because the justice system is broken. You won't find many people here that is opposed to that.
It was either that or this:
That's how I survive every weekend. Minus the sex. And more booze.
If you are loud enough you can be heard throughout a house. Through walls, doors, other floors. My sources? I have roommates.
They care about racism or discrimination because of their race when it's directed towards them (they call this "reverse racism" when it's just regular old racism).
I don't believe for a second he grabbed his gun. The only way I can see this as being possible is if Wilson had his weapon drawn and was pointing it point blank at Brown. I'm positive Wilson made this detail up in an attempt to justify the killing. And even then there is no justification for shooting him that many…
Well I guess I get to use this gif....
That's what I figured. Insane.
Wouldn't her wishing that two of her children become a priest and a nun would go against that "breeding stock" idea. Don't both of those occupations require a vow of celibacy?
He is a racist. The fact he was targeting two random black teenagers supports this. He didn't know about the shoplifting. He just saw two black teenagers and suspected them of committing a crime. Police do this all the time, and it's always racially motivated.
respond with appropriate force
Wow, your friend's acquaintance sounds like a real winner.
I was assuming pebbles was talking about Wilson's parents decision to have him in the first place.
The only problem if this is lots of people will never think they are the problem. Being yourself isn't good enough when you are a horrible person.
Having too many dealbreakers is pretty bad too. Some are so ridiculous that it's crazy (like not liking country music, apparently that's a dealbreaker for some people haha).