
The lack of confidence is the real killer. I used to be confident years ago, just things went south after breaking up with my last girlfriend. It just keeps getting worse as time goes on too. I'm not sure how to get more confident when you keep failing. Probably just need to catch a break, something to break me out of

A open floor plan can only work if there are enough private spaces one could use to work in if they choose. Something like small meeting rooms that people can use for calls with clients, host small meetings, or to just get away from other people.

I have been trying to change myself so nice assumption. I've been in therapy for the last 4 months. I've been branching out in my social circle. I've been trying to make more friends that are women. As well as trying to correct some small behavioral quirks some of my friends have noticed (which admitted aren't that

Ok, let me put it this way to you so can you understand. Your "educating" is very patronizing and you come off as an asshole. I've read your links. I read every article on what is happening in the US right now. I'm not ignorant, yet you continue to assert that I am. I'm not a white person that you need to educate.

Jesus, I'm saying you are right and you still come back hostile and attacking me.

It's because they are both created by men. Each model is a male fantasy. For the male elf, it's the muscles. Big muscles is a male power fantasy (though the ladies can like that too). And the shapely body on the female elf is a sexual fantasy that men have. Boom, mystery solved.

You are right, I was wrong to say that men have it worse, everyone can have it bad. Some men have it bad, some women do. Both sexes can suck equally.

Why the assumption this is the problem people are having? There's lots of people that try to "date down" thinking it will make things easier.

So what if I don't like rejection, do you? I know that women won't approach me (sure some women do approach men, but not enough where I've ever experienced it) so I have to. I'm over that. I've spent years improving myself, but I'm clearly not there yet. Does that mean I deserve to be insulted by some random person on

Hey what do you know, nothing says you have no argument like dismissing comments you dont agree with. Thanks for showing your true colors. Feel free to dismiss this comment too (because we both know thats exactly what you will do).

Dont pretend you know anything about me. I'm as much a Nice Guy TM as you are a Feminazi TM. Don't insult people you don't know.

No, I dont have a right to any one specific woman. And I dont feel like I do. I dont care when one woman rejects me. But is there something wrong with feeling like your a great guy that some woman would like? Apparently this site seems to think so.

He just used that situation as an excuse to kill. He's probably a psychopath that became a cop as a legal way to kill.

No it won't be pretty obvious. I don't go on rants when I meet women so nothing I wrote there would affect how they view me. They aren't viewing me in a repulsive way, it's more like I don't exist.

Nah they will just make ESO2. Dat subscription model dolla dolla bills is to shiny to pass up.

It'll never happen. Say goodbye to the non-MMO Elder Scroll games.

That's a feature....

I never got how so many men were happy to part with that much money. I guess their brainwashing techniques didn't work on me, because I think it's insane.


The problem with that is the fact that dating sites/apps make money off men (like bars). They will use tricks and ploys to get women to sign up in hopes that will attract men to their service. Then they put up pay walls to their features, and enough men will pay in hopes this will give them a leg up.