
being semi pretty is still better than trying to date as a average man (I won't include the top 10% of guys just like you won't include pretty women). If you aren't getting approached you either aren't going out or look unapproachable. I approach semi pretty chubby girls all the time, they still think they can do

By 12 peers they meant 12 fellow cops. Should have been 12 residents from the victims neighbourhood. Well its only a matter of time before that cop is murdered.

Shit-sandwich? Go fuck yourself mate. And your right, I'm not the type of guy women would be interested in. I'm decent looking, fit, successful, own a home and cars. Maybe if I quit my 6 figure job and got a job bartending and fucked every girl I work with then I'll be the type of guy women want. I thought this shit

Raise better women. This shit isn't solely men's fault.

How do you think this makes men feel? We aren't emotionless. And we all aren't dicks harassing women and sending dick pics (I've never sent a dick pic to anyone, even ex girlfriends). The modern version of dating is literally destroying an entire generation of men. I myself am at the end, I've done everything to meet

Dating is already pretty straightforward for women. Be pretty, pick the best guy that approaches you. Its infinitely harder for men.

So only the top 10% of men will be getting any messages. As a guy this app would be useless, women don't message me, though they sometimes respond if I send them something witty. This app removes that option.

You'll be fired for even being suspected of trying to unionize. Then new workers will be brought it. There's always new blood looking to get into the gaming industry.

Speaking of restaurant employees, what is with women that work at restaurants that CONSTANTLY cheat on their boyfriends? I hang around a lot of them since a couple of my friends work in restaurants and each weekend one or more of them bang some dude (usually the same dude). Then the next day it's a shit fest when some

Yet cars kill more people per year. They both need to be regulated. They both need to be kept out of the hands of those not responsible enough to use them.

Nope. Even the course you have to take in Canada to buy a gun is pathetic.

And there's the thing. When someone drives drunk and kills someone, do we blame the car or the booze he drank? No, we blame the person. But when someone dies because of a gun it's always "Fuck guns" "Outlaw guns". If you are using the gun properly (which should be regulated) then you are to blame.

My argument was that if you want to own a firearm you need the proper training. Then if you shoot someone we know you meant to shoot that person.

I'm actually ok with all of this. Plus a yearly shooting exam. Practical shooting is a important part of gun training.

Was this accident because of a fault with the gun, or a fault with the person holding it? Chances are the gun didn't "suck", it probably functioned correctly. Why was it loaded, a round chambered, and not set to safe?

How? Because some dumbass kills herself because she doesn't know how to use her weapon? Because some other dumbass kill someone with a gun? The ones at fault here aren't the guns, it's the dumbasses using them.

People suck. Guns don't have intentions, they are inanimate objects.

Jesus. No one should own a weapon if they don't know how to safely handle it. A gun safety course should be mandatory before you can buy a gun.

As a guy walking alone I've gotten guys yelling that at me. Though it's usually really young guys with like 9 guys in one car.

That's some comedy gold right there!!