
You should charge tourists money to park in your driveway. You have lemons, time to make some lemonade.

I couldn't make it further than the third paragraph. Fuck this kid.

Maybe not on a $400 netbook, but definitely on a used $400 laptop.

I'd like to get laid sometime in the near future so must resist.

Just wait. In a couple of years it will be mandatory to spend real money in order to progress in a game. We're seeing the start of that now.

What? You want to go live in Russia with the rest of your comrades?

They are probably fake. Still doesnt change the fact that these kids need to be rounded up and locked up for life. Is it funny now derp faggot?

These people should be hunted down and given life in prison. Time to make an example.

Why would they do that? This way they can sell twice as many copies to the fanbois and fangurls.

Well like i said before, I'm an example of where your theory falls apart. 7 on the looks scale (I'm pretty critical of myself so I'm not inflating this) and I can't think a date with a woman that is better looking than a 4 or 5. All the women in my league want to date the guys in the league above them. Which is what I

Sorry but thats not how it works in real life. I'm a "nice guy" (not a Nice Guy TM), am pretty good looking (probably a 7) and the only women that are interested in me are like 3s (overweight and not that good looking). Never have I thought I deserved a supermodel, just a cute girl that isn't overweight (which would

Even average looking women have an entitled personality, especially if they are thin. When you say nice guy should settle for "average" women you really mean they should settle for below average women.

Why do people care so much about graphics? It's not like it's 1,000,000x better on PC, it's 1.5x better. Mods are the bigger draw, graphics is just a dick measuring contest that doesn't really matter. But whatever, do your "master race" shit if it makes you feel like a man, lol.

I'm not sure they should use James Franco as an example. The guy's crazy. No sleep might explain his insanity, haha.

Lots of successful people don't sleep much. It's not healthy but meh.

Nope, 4k itself isn't to blame. Just current 4k tvs aren't the best for playing games because of the lag (doesn't matter much for video). This won't be an issue in a few years though. Hopefully by then we'll have lots of 4k content, I'll consider getting one then.

Which is fine as long as the scaling tech they use on the tv is good. The current generation has too much lag scaling 1080p content to 4k.