
Damn. With that car less is more.

That's because the Corvette will disintegrate before it reaches it's 3rd birthday. No second driver for that car, haha.

Why isn't this fine automobile not on the list?

Male privilege....

It is. Though i find most games boring these days. They are ok to kill 30 mins or so, but any more than that and i get bored.

The nuclear weapons they were talking about was a plan to bomb people to conserve resources.

They only advice I got is make new friends that don't know me because my current friends will never set me up with someone they know. Otherwise I'm "too intense" for most women apparently.

I can usually do that. The problem is the feedback from everyone else in the world is "You're a piece of shit".

What do you do if you have a shit personality? Being yourself will only drive people away. In that case you need to be someone else, anyone else.

Don't overthink it. I'm a couple of years older than you, good looking, and very successful. Yet I couldn't get a date to save my life. So apparently none of that shit matters.

Step 1: Accept that the traditional retirement your parents and grandparents had doesn't exist anymore.

The right answer is zero. These peasants need to be put in their place, amiright?

Yup, it'll get you a nice visit to Club Plaid.

I'm on team CPS. A child should not be that obese. Jesus fucking christ.

They are fake lumberjacks.

Drawing your gun is the SOP for traffic stops in America now.

Too late..

Why would men initiate divorce? Statically they lose the most in a divorce. I guess being in a unhappy marriage but with all your stuff is better than divorced with nothing.

Nah, just a way to maximize profits and only the execs to give themselves millions of dollars in bonuses while laying off their entire workforce.

Her "deal" is she's a piece of human trash. So she attracts other pieces of trash to her. Let's put them all on a rocket and fire it into the sun.