
Here you go

Something tells me they aren't poor. This woman is simply human trash and her children need a real guardian.

I think there's a difference between browsing a website and spending 40 hrs/week playing a game.

Yup, which is why you company will do whatever they can to keep you later. Hello manditory 5:30 pm meetings!!

Maybe she had a break between movies?

I live in Canada now. So yeah, American work culture fits.

Basic rule is be at work before your boss and only leave after your boss.

When I read "I think you" I meant "I think people should mix up their reading". I wasn't specifically talking about you because I don't know what you read.

I think you need to mix up your reading. Reading fiction is good (at least better than watching tv), but throwing in some reading to improve your knowledge or skills is even better.

I agree with watching tv or playing video games. Books however aren't a waste of time. Same thing with exercising (or playing sports). Those are beneficial things.

Maybe those people with the dead end job should be doing something to lift themselves up. Maybe they should be going to school at night. Or if they have a skill maybe they should be starting a business. My view on WoW is that at the end of the day that time you spent playing doesn't translate to anything in real life.

So someone who participates in incest is automatically a pedophile?

I don't think spending half your life playing a video game is something to be proud of. There's lots of more productive things you could be doing with your time.

My answer to the "That's somebody's mother" comment is always "She's not mine". Boom!

Please, we all know you loved the homoerotic beach volleyball....

We dont all live in the US. 2008 wasnt even a blip on the radar for me.

DA FUCK?!?!?!?!

I guess. Guess that makes me a creep then. Just another thing I'm not allowed to do then.