
Oh they will definitely be playable at some point. Chances are they were complete at release and are on the disc. But you will need to spend $15-30 per planet to play them.

if you aren't black you won't have anything to worry about. If you are then idk, get a note from your doctor or something. People are stupid. 'Muricans think that ISIS and Ebola will kill them.

I already burned my copy in a fire this weekend. Not trading it in and subjecting someone to it's shitiness. Glad I only bought the regular version without the expansions. This is the biggest fail ever.

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Aren't you excited for the new Star Wars movie?

Days of Future Past was more mediocre. First Class was pretty good though.

Oakland Mocks Raiders Fans With Facts

Why even have a car? Buy a bike and live within biking distance of your work. Live in a small house or apartment. Do you really need that 4000 sqft McMansion in the suburbans that you have to commute 45 min to and from work?

Pretty sure a comet wouldn't destroy the Earth. Kill a lot of people? Yes. Destroy the Earth ala Deathstar style? No.

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There's isn't someone for everyone. Lots of people out there will never have anybody. This isn't a new thing either, it's always been this way. Besides, even if the OP could change enough to get a woman, why hasn't he already? Chances are at 40 he isn't going to make the HUGE changes required (with starts with

That's how young Hollywood women figure out if you are important or not. BMW? Probably a nobody. Ferrari? May be a somebody, or have money. Phantom? Probably a somebody.

Shane West is right. Plus it has naked 80 year old men just walking around and hanging out.

they do offer a smaller phone, it's the Nexus 5....

And goodbye cheaper phones from Google, hello $700-1000 phones....

This was a result of her actions. She didnt have it coming (which implies she deserved it) but it was 100% her fault.

No talking to women creep!!!! Fuck you, no one cares about your dick!!!! Etc, etc...

Mom's Against Gaming is the greatest twitter account ever.

Which still makes them a hate group. Until they do it for political reason they aren't a terrorist group. Plus terrorist groups do A LOT more than just make threats, they kill innocent people (for religious or political goals). I don't appreciate you insinuating that a group of assholes are on that level.

Are they doing it for political aims, or just because they are assholes? They are definitely a hate group, no denying that. But calling them a terrorist group is a little much.