
Gaming isn't a crime. You can play video games and not be a racist misogynistic assshole.

Don't forget razors, a job, healthy eating (which is 100% more effective than cardio), and not wearing a trilby....

Single bullet to the brain. Most cost effective solution.

Why did you marry a man thats clearly looking for Mom 2.0? Did that not come up while dating him?

Alright, time to either lock up the neckbeard nerds or watch them carefully. This shit is fucked up. Enjoy terrorizing a poor woman? Time to get the shit kicked out of you.

Please tell me she didn't tell him. Tell me she just left!!!!!!!

31 year old me laughed at it anyways.

Nice victim blaming!!!!

yeah, pretty much haha

He kinda looked like this (different armor and weapon though)...

One of my orcs basically had no face at the end, he just had a bag tied to his face with rope. Then I cut his head off and was sad that I'd never fight him again.

Yeah, because men don't have problems. Nah, you'd just trade this problem for others. But you'd be a man then, so you won't be able to complain about your problems without someone telling you to "man up" or "grow some balls".

Jesus!!! Don't put that there....

Nope. Some people look young.

I meet people everywhere. I just see people saying where it's ok to meet people and where it's not. The reality is if you look like someone people would like to meet it doesn't matter where you meet.

It's not child pornography if she looks like she's over 18

So how do you meet new people outside of your social circle, or work, or classes? Can't talk to people on the street. Can't talk to people in stores. Can't talk to people in bars.

How about you just buy the house yourself?

So not only a useless degree, but a useless degree from a diploma mill. Yup, "overeducated"...