
Agreed. Sounded like a mobile game the first time I heard it's name.

Probably not. I'd imagine that's how it's able to work. These women need their extended family to help raise and support their child(ren), since the unknown fathers aren't expected to help financially. This wouldn't work in the west (at least not currently, it's hard enough for the average family to get by on two

Yeah I know why you can't open the door in a pressurized cabin. My comment was a joke.

easy missions? They are like level 24 missions. Not exactly easy if you are lower level than that.

crucible rewards seem to be random


But, but tv and movies do it all the time!!! Gasp, are you saying those aren't realistic? Fuck....

Ah Eve, a spreadsheet disguised as a game.

My original comment was sarcasm to play off the sarcasm of Adultosaur's comment. Hence the pic and the ridiculousness of my comment. I think 4 people got that.

People here will insult or ridicule people whose opinions they don't agree with. Happens all the time. Usually with something like "Fuck off MRA", "How many fedoras do you own?", etc. So no, this site isn't perfect.

Fat Chris ate the Chris you see above. Either way they are the same funny person, so it's all good.

Because bi people don't exist, right?

You must have missed my intended sarcasm.

Men can't be objectified. You also can't sexually assault men because it's not assault if they like it.

Their website is frustratingly not well designed.

I think all scholarship programs have a degree of hoop jumping. Probably helps to remove the applicants that aren't willing to do the work.

I'm surprised you learned anything about Canada in the US. They aren't so good with their geography.

Are you talking about weed from the clubs in Cali? I'd imagine that would be as good as it gets. Weed from a shady drug dealer won't be good. But good weed can be found in Canada, it's just more expensive.

Apparently his name is Colin Ryan and is probably the CEO of Effenco Hybrid Solutions. Also claims to be a angel investor. Sounds like a douche (the fact he's showing off his bmw keys, rolex, and LV wallet kinda proves this).

Or a effeminate man. Probably a woman.