
best movie ever!!! Ok, not really.

My guess is she'll pull a Farrah Abraham, fail at reality TV and just do porn. She already has the name for it, lmao.

No, no it won't. I went to school with dudebros that had women as roommates. They just see them as either conquests, or a route to easy sex with her friends.

Unfortunately the biggest weakness digital security has is its own users. They probably got their user name and password by phishing.

You'd also probably do things like change your locks or maybe get a alarm system installed. Things to mitigate the problem from occurring again in the future.

You can have compassion and still advocate smart internet usage. These nude pics could be a compromising email or a confidential document and my point would be the same. Hell even the crap people put on Facebook can come back to haunt them years later. Is it victim blaming to warn people against putting things on the

It wouldn't be click bait without the names and pictures. "Women have nude pics leaked" doesn't have the same ring to it.

I guess I like being realistic. As much as we want we aren't going to get rid of all the assholes. Being smart about what you put online should be required knowledge. And this goes way beyond just nude pics.

People are assholes. I shouldn't have to lock my doors when I go out, but I do because people steal. If I got robbed would you then say that the people that robbed me shouldn't steal, or tell me to lock my doors? Its impossible to get rid of all the assholes (btw, the US government looks through your nude pics too),

its the beginning of a movie; Idiocracy. Such a bad movie but so good.

What! WHAT!!!!! How did I not notice that?

It's not all too surprising that people here are attacking me. If a woman went to a group of men and said she can't find a guy to date she'd be attacked too ("superficial bitch", "lower your standards", etc).

There's a virtual sdcard. It's located at /sdcard. It's where all your app data is located.

None. Plus MRAs don't wear fedoras, they wear trilbys.

Uhuh, alright there. I've added positive things to threads, you just either don't see it or ignore it. I don't really care about convincing you though, usually when people come up with an opinion they are reluctant to change it.

This causes Themer to crash on my Nexus 4.

did I blame women? No, stop imagining things. I didn't say "fuck women, it's their fault they don't like me". That would be blaming women. All I said was that they don't like me because of one character flaw. So fuck off troll.

well its good to know one character flaw (created from years of constant rejection) makes me repulsive to women.