
I actually like The Doctor and Rivers chemistry on the show but agree that I have read some fanfic that i thought "they should do that one"

do you need 2 working eyes to get the effect ? my one eye gave me nothing. should i try it on acid ?

well that didnt work. I followed the directions and none of KIVEL was converted it simply loged me on with a new Steven Kivel account

I thought it was a Sherlock Holms (Guy Richie) rip off

Come On people ! as bad as catwoman was, it was ni Mac & Me. Mac & Me was a cheap E.T. rip off and a 90 minute commerical for Mcdonalds..

although my money is on the Opera experments being flawed. I believve the female who said no experment is a bad one. no result is so unexpected that you shouldnt follow it up

the answer would still have been NO if they answered honesty. The whold ID only works if you dont understand evolution and are one of the "very smart" ppeople who ask, "why aren't monkeys evolving into humans now.

okay I'll buy that but for the story to work "without words" she had to show that granny was dead and she had got the wolf and earned her red hood.

your a real fan ! i think Rose was a lame "Oh please love me" Martha was liike that but grew into someone you respected. Donna was a very sad ending. Amy was fun flirtyy and ballsy

Moffatt said DEAD. and Karen has said it would not leave a door open for returns like Rose and Donna and Martha... she said when she parts the dooor is closed.. and since he is there son in law and best bbud it has to be final

I agree Amy might stay with the doctor after Rory dies but Rory has had troubles in the past with Amy being put into danger. so Rory would leave very unhappy with his son in law

Dont disrespect the side burns... there was mmore tallent in Asimov's sideburns than in L. Ron hubbards whole body and he got a religion

Questions have been asked like "Do you believe in Evolution" it was frightening honestly one of these colledge educated people could be the next president... and they all said "No" or "Well i think we need to look at both sides" there are not two sides to evolution

I liked The Brigadier as one of my favorite Doctor Who "companions" be cause he had a life out side of the Doctor. Donna was great but as her grandfather said she was an under achiever without the doctor

I like the list but Kato is the #1 partner I have been a fan since i waas small in the Serials Keye Luke was far more interesting than Gordon Jones 9Who did even do the hornets voice) in the TV series well what can i say BRUCE LEE bad part but bruce lee shines. I even am a fan of Mulian Kato the new Kato in the

it did in the original story.. and IT WAS FICTION it was incredible composer Manuel Borda deserves an oscar

not sure if i should have a horse in the race this early but Santa Claus Conquers the Martians

a non issue ? its great to say its all in the past, but i hope your not that naive and its a book first amendment and all but as you have the right to wright i have the right to toss and wash my wallet for getting dirty.. then i go download illegal internet porn to balance my karma

HONESTLY I get very upset. I am embarrassed by those racists who wish to speak for me When i was in school i waas upset by the sexist crap in my horrid little mags. Science fact, science fiction etc. and I throw the books across the room and they go in the trash. and I kick my self for nnot gooing to the roof and