
there is nothing wrong with showing bias if you are backed by science. I have a strong gravity bias. If I am doing an article on people who believe in anti gravity and advocate push pianos out of third story windows over crowded sidewalks, I should not have to present an unbiased balanced piece that pretends that

Rather than throw insults and scream Hitler, please give me a creditable study that links vaccines with autism. I am asking politely please respond with the same courtesy

If depowered why does he have ice breath and heat beams??

So Superman hits Batman with heat vision .. nothing happens but Batman kicks Superman and Superman falls to the ground... I thought at first that Supermans powers had been negated somehow but them he would have Laser eyes and Ice breath... So WTF this is crap

I am always afraid of people who let me know that, "I'm smarter than the average person " being smarter than the average human isn't that hard the world is made of billions of people who are dragged along by the few with that are "I'm smarter than the average person ".

Dont look at me I read comic books for the articles they have great jazz reviews...

This part right here was dead on, "A major problem when activists over step the science to make a more dramatic case and a better story. The side that believes (or maybe just wants to believe) there is no problem, or that the problem is manageable, can point to the picture at the top of this article and say, "see the

world is a strange place mate

Dont get me started Young Justice was not just the best show to come out of DC but the Best property (except 2 Batman movies) to come out of DC and it was cancelled because.... i still dont know

"Why Joss Whedon Is Already Apologizing for The Avengers: Age of Ultron"

did it occur to you that star trek is fiction. I mean fine, I have grappled with the idea of space ships for a long time.. the absurdity of the "incoming message from star fleet" and then a 2 way conversation happens..(yea) but to quote the authority on subjects such as you are addressing "If you're wondering how he

Tom Swift and The Electric Hydrolung, Tom Swift and his Mega Scope Space Prober, and Tom Swift and the Electronic Retro Scope were 3 books i loved as a kid. I know there was more and I don't think I remember these books because of the stories as much as "Electric Hydro Lung" Mega Scope Space Prober" and "Electric

Thanks Valid, It pisses me off. anti science groups don't need a reason to attack, but when people who back science do something stupid, Al Gore in "An Inconvenient Truth" misspoke a few times and set back the "Global Climate Change Debate" I wince every time Micheal Moore makes a movie on a subject which I agree

"With very few exceptions, the porn I had seen felt empty, inauthentic, and not representative of my sexuality and the kind of sex I was having." I have always felt the same way but I'm the father of the whole "Pyro-Necro-Beastality" movement and always figureed it was just me. I feel so much mmore normal now,

I was at a party with a close female friend. We were sitting on the floor drinking and eating shrimp. We were laughing our butts off talking about politics. We had started leaning into each other (hard to hear over music) I inadvertently put my hand on her knee. She said, "If you don't move that hand I am not taking

I agree (I am a guy and not sure if this is a woman's site) When i was young (because i am not only male but old and was once dead so please excuse spelling and complete lack of punctuation) I knew many women who asked if i was gay because "I've been signaling all night and you seem oblivious." Okay i was oblivious

my Translation reads, "Chips, Chips & Spam, Spam & Custard & Spam, Fish Fingers, Spam, Custard & Spam, Spam, Spam, Custard & Spam, Mock Chicken Soup made with Spam" but I'm on a diet and have not been in a Gallifreyan restaurant in a day of years.

Where something is released, or how much it costs to experience is not (always) a stamp of what something is worth. "Dr Who and The Daleks" (Peter Cushings) was absolute rubbish and was a "Go out to the movies and buy expensive bath tubs of Popcorn" movie. "The Minister of Chance" is an audio drama (a new type of

Well a perfectly wonderful article about how Creationists stomp science. And you ruin it with a bunch of facts. I guess we are to give way to reason and enlighten thought, well where is no fun in that ?

With so many first run genre shows out this week the picture used to excite people to read the article, and arguably the best show of the week is a group of actors sitting and talking about a show that hast been on for a decade. Its 10 years out, and we are Still talking about a show that only had 14 episodes, the