
There is little difference between High School Physics and 5th grade physics. If in the 5th grade we had a Carl Sagan / Richard Feynman/Michio Kaku overview of physics and build from there. This way hopefully, by High School physics can be a class that asks questions and leads minds down the road of enlightenment.

I really had reservations about Revolution (still unsure of the science) but Revolution and Arrow have become my MUST SEE TV shows, i can't get enough of either..that usually is the kiss of death, but I have hopes for both

Hey now Emilio, "look at the girl at the bar with a huge set of Bonus checks.." oh yea I can be bought.. I work with people with disabilities, their lives are dependent on various governmental programs. it's my job to find them employment and i bill the government for my services. My proof that humans are getting

I believe Rann from DCs Adam Strange is there getting hit by Zeta Beams full of earthlings

that is good news ! i was afraid of superman red, Superman Blue I am old enough to remember the first Superman blue I was maybe 7 but i loved it+

and again, does anyone know why there is a RED Superman in tthe toy selection.

I don't think it means romance. Moffatt has said several times that he views "Doctor Who" to be a story about companions who follow the Doctor. That the Doctor changing is a big deal of course but its the journey that the companions take that is what it is all about.

what the Superman red superman blue thing about

i can never figure out when Green hornet comes out. Dynomite isn't DC or Marvel but my comic connection doesn't order many or display them well

If Doctor Who is looking for Iconic Companions ACE. The show needs a little nitro 9. OR Jenny, you know the Doctor's "daughter"

The new DC 52 A for effort, final grade D-. Give it 2 more years, and they wll be crawling under desks looking for Superman's undes

a list of names might help. I have a passing knowledge of most of the characters but a few i miss. Is that superman's parents in the second row next too Action #1 Superman. and who is the Blonde haired yellow suited guy in the third row. and I admit to not knowing the people in the fifth row between Manta and

I think he is hard to write. First, he carries around with him 70 years of baggage. I know that they rebooted the universe, but you can't have him killing someone or drinking. and B) His powers are too incredible. The idea that monthly they could come up with "Doomsday" is a bit far of field. I think he was att his

I'm in whats your theory

My father said "Do you know what Albert Einstein said, he said, I know enough to know that I can't say if there is or is no God". Then he said something that made nno sense for years. "I didn't believe in God until your brother Dan was born. (dan my oldest sibling) then i looked at him and thought, this can't be just

I knew I was an atheist, when I was 12 years old. Star Trek was on, "Who Mourns Adonais" . Captain Kirk says (some think like), "We find the one God enough for us" . I laughed. My brother asked why i say, Do you really think some guy from an advanced culture in the 23rd century believes in God ? I stopped my self

I thought "Star Trek Heart of Gold" It could be a cross over where they run into a ship piloted by a 2 headed man and a Depressed Robot lost since the 20th century.

in the first 2 Hulk movies I felt the Hulk looked so fake, unreal, no animal or man would look like that. I am glad you explained "the creation of the hulk" it was the first movie I was thinking wow HULK instead of "Was lou ferrigno busy ?"

that you can say how bad Jeff Bridges looked is the proof of how far we have come 20 years ago people would have come up with theories about Disney cloning Jeff Bridges

McCoy had the bad budget, but the scripts got better with time. but to be honest he needed new wardrobe. If he did "the empty Child" in that coat I might not have enjoyed it. I will give the big finish drama a try. I don't think he will end up my favorite but I have an open mind. The scripts got so much better in