HEY Now some of us overweight balding socially challenged males
HEY Now some of us overweight balding socially challenged males
best costume accessory Bane arms I am looking for them at comic shops no luck
The more I read the more I need a 3 hour Avengers Directors cut
When didd he make a come back i must have missed it... oh yea he was the first and best "Dale the Whale" but how far does he have to jump to leap over his dismal Adams Family..and his Doctor Doolittle.. he act alot never out of work but lets be honest he has one character
very very badly.. i have already point out it would scare me .. but after the shock and the laughter he is in big trouble
It would scare the hell out of me..
I see Connor in the pictures of the American Primeval. Thats great but I dont see Abby. The USA version is dependant on Connor and Abby they have been the anchor of the series. Does anyone know is Abby is in the new primeval ?? I looked for Primeval USA IMDB but i didnt find it.
from your mouth to marvels ear
i think they need several Batmen patrolling different neighborhoods. The new should report all the different Bat activities as if it were one Batman patrolling the city "there is no escaping Batman." then the news needs to NOT report the high numbers of Batmen killed nightly in performance of their duties
I alwaays wondered what happened to the village people
I told my son that Miss frizzle, was a time long ago (when doctor 9 was running with Rose. Everything fit we rewatched the magic school bud with this in mind... she comes across VERY doctor whoish. Now that River has been introduced it fits even better
I always hoped for a 2 part episode, or switched to a one hour format
I was a junior in High School when SPACE 1999 went on the air. Being known as a big (6'3" honestly big) Sci Fi fan, was asked to write a review. I paned it, said it was completely implausible and had the Physics teacher to agree with my points. There are things i liked about about 1999 but few. I was asked to write…
I wrote a very short fanfic Scene: a construction site. The Doctor walks out of a blue Port-a-potty he turns and looks at the Potty and shouts "River!! quit playing with the chameleon circuit"
The Way to Eden is a step sister to Star Trek 5 The Final Frontier . If you drop the hippie references, both have a crazy zealot who has mesmerized followers to travel to a bible related mythical place both had a crew member reuniting with a person from their past, and both are painful excruciating to watch. I will…
nothing could make "Spock's Brain" more palatable. Unless maybe Time travel and a script burning or maybe laser surgery to my brain to burn out the memory of that horrid episode. I watched Star Trek during its original run, I was 9 (during its last season it was on at 10 pm past my bedtime even for a friday, so i…
i remember this [also...so] one mystery solved but honestly it sounds like you had it right Taylor was not good at navagation
I remember watching Next Gen on TV and when ever Worf started to talk you knew he was going to be shot down.. yes the Federation had let Kilgons in but not all the way in... it was "little more than a humans only club" (The Undiscovered Country)
that would also mean that she has seen (at least pictures of doctors 1-9 we know her penultimate visit with the doctor was with doctor 11 since in last night it was Matt Smith's doctor that takes her to the Sing Towers it is the 11th Doctor but since they meet out of order anything is posible
ok ok amy and rory leave we got that but what of River Song.. is her apperance in The Doctor in the Night her last