no. i'm aware of the stupidly american mockery of Asian people's names.
no. i'm aware of the stupidly american mockery of Asian people's names.
what's wrong with her name?
We're going to celebrate a guy who actually fired a woman for being pregnant , and a erase WOC character on his shows over a woman who actually do the fucking job o the field, bec one say he was e feminist and the other didn't?
Yes. This right here. Its like even when Jezebel tries to not be racist, and show that the only missing women they care about are the white ones, yikes, they prove it once again. Not a word about this poor girl. I am still in shock.
Right? I sent an email today asking what was up. There's been NO coverage of this and I don't understand why. I've had to seek out news on this since her kidnapping from other sources and I'm no longer local to the DMV so had assumed there'd been plenty posted here but have seen nothing. Considering the increasing…
Not to mention news of her being found is almost 24 hours old.
I'm going to guess they were white Australians. Let's not excuse Australia's problematic history with race any more than we excuse America's.
I'm not at all surprised by the lack of sincere apology. This is also fucked up, right here in muricA:
Majority of people in the UK do know that black-face is offensive because we had black and white minstrel shows. I have called out Americans for wearing blackface and they had the same response. We need stop acting like people in the US are only ones that know that blackface is offensive.
Are you a therapist or a lawyer? You're aware you're violating all sorts of ethical rules — possibly the law — by discussing your client's case, right? You're doing a disservice to a lot of your colleagues by posting such biased opinions. And furthermore, it's not "cushy" in a mental institution. Please refrain from…
Yeah, call me when they offer a doll that isn't white and blonde.
Ugh. Both of them sound awful. For some reason, Mia Love bugs me more. Especially since she is the daughter of people fleeing Papa Doc. I bet she doesn't even know or care about antihaitianismo in DR. Gross.
"and yet much more hard-won than anyone thought they'd be"
People who legitimately believe there is no difference between Republicans and Democrats strike again. I'll see you in 2 years when the Democrats regain control of the Senate when people realize Republicans are actually pretty bad at governing. Then in another two years after people forget who did what and re-elect…
Thanks white people. You're really showing us what and how you think with the way you vote.
I wish I was as optimistic as you, but as long as Scalia and Thomas are in the SC, I fear any progress we've made as a society is at risk.
A home run? This article completely ignores multiple other examples of Dunham's disturbing behavior with her sister. Was it done on purpose or out of the author's total ignorance of the actual details of the story?
Why are we acting like this is only about her touching her 1 year old sister's vagina when she was 7 and not also about emotionally coercing her sister into sleeping in her bed and then masturbating while she sleeps? And about paying her sister in candy to give her long kisses on the lips? And about paying her sister…