
Thank you. I was around 25 when this debuted. I rolled my eyes at Carrie most of the time but it was fairly fresh. Even at 43 now, I still often think of the episode where Miranda wants to talk about her new Personal Digital Assistant and finally tells everyone off for letting men define their lives. Or the episode

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Ms. Cattrall may be an accomplished actress, but THIS is what I’ll always remember from her work:

SATC 3, at this point and at their age (which I share with one or two of them)  has already been done...

non white lady here, it’s a guilty pleasure. At the time I loved the clothes, the apartments, the vast wealth i’d never have. Its stupid escapism.

It just didn’t age well because it was so of the time. No one on television was talking like them. It was like watching an indie film how frank they were. Now we’ve all grown past it. Sex and the City did a lot for the fashion industry as well. The concept of it bags and shoes.

There were aspects of the first movie that were really well done. It was mostly true to the characters and was a good capstone to the series.

Don’t you dare. People got actual enjoyment out of SATC. As far as I can tell, the other show was a hate watch and everyone was awful. Though, I don’t speak from experience, as I only made it through the first few minutes of Girls, before turning it off. NO THANKS.

“This franchise made her and let’s be frank, it’s all she is really known for.”

Come on — guilty pleasures can be necessary, and SATC actually had some pretty decent writing and strong performances by Cynthia Nixon and others.

Apart from the fact that she should be thanked because SATC 2: Electric Boogaloo was GROSS, I don’t believe it. I base this solely on her episode of Who Do You Think You Are, in which she was lovely.

I was about 9 the first time I watched Porky’s, so many jokes went over my head. I knew they were funny and dirty, but couldn’t grasp specifically why. Mike Hunt was one of those jokes.

Yep, PORKY’S and POLICE ACADEMY. She never needed to do SATC to cement her place in Hollywood history.

Good for her and her demands. I remember her saying she wouldn’t agree to do the first movie unless the paycheck would set her up for life. And why shouldn’t she? The movies made bank and she’s irreplaceable.

For some older folks, she’s probably also remembered for her role in Porky’s. To this day, I get the giggles whenever I hear someone say “tallywacker”.

“This franchise made her and let’s be frank, it’s all she is really known for.”

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All she’s known for!?! Ahem. Excuse me. Perhaps you’re not acquainted with a little movie called MANNEQUIN??

Formerly in the medical field for 15 years and in and out of hospitals and doctors offices around sick people every single day. Many hospitals started demanding vendors & reps get flu shots. I always refused because like you, the two years I did get the flu shot were the worst two years I had the flu out of 15 that I

Ten bucks says they couldn’t afford it.

Yeah it’s a kind of a crazy and really dumb narrative that he just happened to fall in love and marry his wife’s suspected murderer all those years later.

Those of us down here in PBC are quite aware Michael Warren, the murdered woman’s then husband and the killer clown’s current husband, was involved. There was enough circumstantial evidence imo for them both to be arrested.