
Having one right now and let me tell you it makes it easier to come to terms with this!

I just had a major flashback to all the Greg Kihn album titles!

I don’t think I’d want my tax dollars going to a country that outlaws abortion either. Not saying that’s why he does it, but I can get behind it.

There were two of them already! I actually saw “Porky’s 2, The Next Day” in a theatre. By the time they got to “Porky’s Revenge” I think Porky was the only original cast member. Yes, I grew up in the ‘80’s!

Thank you—I wasn’t sure of the back story either and could not bring myself to actually research it! But it’s kind of what I figured. Not sure if you are familiar with the Detroit area at all, but this chick would be like someone from a neighborhood called Brightmoor

That’s fantastic!! I finished up the rest of the yard work today, now the waiting begins for the pickup of 8 bags, a garbage can and a huge pile of branches! Back to work tomorrow, they could have been nice and let us have one more day, I know there are a lot of people still trying to clean up and kids are off school

Whew! All things considered that’s great! Hope they get your power back soon! I know it’s bad all over—my workplace is still closed due to that.


How did you all make out? Fucking eyewall came right over my place from 2-5 in the morning!! But we never lost power if you can believe it! Just a lot of tree branches down. Solid house with double pane windows inland is the way to go!

Thank you!!

I will say that the one good thing this time, compared to others, is that a lot of businesses closed up Friday or yesterday and said fuck it and are closed through at least tomorrow. Same with ALL schools in the state, the one good thing voldie ordered.

Hear hear!! From a 21 year Florida resident currently experiencing a rain band!

I really hope that’s true! Would be the silver lining for sure.

Good luck!! Central Florida here, bout 20 mins west of the mouse.

After Andrew yes, and the codes are still pretty good overall.

Stay safe Tampa B! I’m in central Florida. So tired of this week!!

It can actually make a huge difference. I have so much fatigue from these assholes scaring the shit out of everyone. By all means YES! Get prepared, etc, but the guvnah on the tv every 5 minutes basically saying we are all going to die is NOT helping matters! And if the storm doesn’t do as much damage as everyone has

That’s it totally—deny, deflect and then everyone forgets until the next one. Kellyanne Cuntway was floating this during Harvey too.


The enemy of my enemy is my friend...but, ugh!! Thanks for this story, and fuck operation “rescue”!