
Yep. Just like that bitch who killed cats as a statement on eating meat and made finger puppets out of mice. Sorry, provoking a “You mad, bro?” reaction is not art, and it’s definitely not art if something can’t agree to it, and is suffering. Fuck this noise forever.

I wish the hundreds of fighting dogs I care for each year could visit the Guggenheim. While a very few are vicious beyond what can reasonably be managed, most of them are actually very sweet pups once they’ve gotten some non-abusive treatment and training.

My avatar is my pibble, Wilson. He was likely a bait dog that was discarded, and, of the 8 dogs that I have, and he is by FAR the sweetest and most well-behaved one. I want to find these “artists” and beat them to death with a brick.

I just got my first ever pup who’s a pit. She’s my heart and soul. This “art” enrages me and makes me so sad. Pitbulls are natural lovers and super friendly. Only an asshole would make them aggressive and fight.

your dog child is beautiful! the statements the artists are making about the nature of pitbulls show a lack of experience with actual pits. the artists should put themselves in place of those poor dogs, this is exploitation and hack art.

She still is (and at 95, that’s really badass!).

I gotta say, sometimes the zeitgeist tosses up a truly useful word, and “edgelord”, in its various forms, is one we have truly needed!

The irony is if you want “extreme” or “upsetting,” then you don’t have to go far to get it because our world is already messed up. There’s no need to manufacture anything.

This horrifies me, as a dog lover & pit bull mom. I find the maltreatment this breed suffers heartbreaking. Posting a pic of pup and me just because.

I share Doris Day’s opinion...

Also if you want to start a conversation about systems of power and control how about you paint a depiction of two dogs fighting. Oh - I guess that would require actual talent.

Art can be real fuckin’ stupid sometimes, and it could not possibly get any more stupid than when it puts me on the same side of an argument as god damn fucking PETA.

They took advantage of the tenacity of the dogs and put them into a highly stressful situation and are calling it, “art.”

This bullshit is just a more pretentious form of edgelording. I know the art world has gone to hell in a handbasket when success in deliberately provoking people to outrage and anger is considered “mission accomplished”.

There is a protest on Saturday @1pm. We have given the museum enough we protest. Join us if you can.

Naturally pugnacious, my voluptuous left ass cheek. That sentence alone should be enough to have the show cancelled.

“These dogs are naturally pugnacious”

This kind of shit is exactly why I left the art world. I saw a vegan I graduated college with (I know she’s vegan because she never shut up about it) defending this because it’s only through “extreme art” that we become “disgusted with ourselves.”

Well if this is all true, and even if it isn’t, I expect an article detailing some aspect of this issue for the next 500 days. Also, I would expect that Fox is going to have this on every fucking show, every fucking day, from now until eternity, since email security is an issue so near and dear to them. Also, when

Reporting the transcript of what he said ABOUT FOOTBALL = “bashing”?