
I kind of had the “stars! They’re just like us” reaction. One of our local news stations posted a story on fb that a local family had to cut their beach vacation short because of Irma. The comments were hilarious: “how the hell is this news?”, “breaking: family gets deal on vacation during hurricane season, has to

True enough. She should have bought vacation insurance though. She did not.

Stigs, normally I’d agree with you, but MJH is an asshole from way back, so she pretty much deserves this pile on.

FYI Stiggy, Dominica is complete different from the Dominican Republic. Punta Cana is in the Dominican Republic.

Oh yeah. At first I was like, oh that’s terrible, weddings take a lot of money and planning, and I understand being disappointed and having your plans ruined is no one’s idea a good time, but as the complaining over having to wait three months has increased, man, has she seen those pictures of Barbuda? It’s gone, it’s

Don’t people Google weather conditions in the place they’re going to vacation before planning shit? I mean if her wedding was in like January and she was pissed cuz the repairs wouldn’t be done I’d understand. But October is right in the middle of hurricane season. Dummy.

That’s the only reason I think she deleted the post. Not because it was insensitive, but because someone gave her a quick geography lesson. 🙄

Of course I have selfish thoughts, everyone does. I don’t take time to screencap, post, and hashtag my selfish thoughts for the entire world to see. One is human, the other is callous and clueless.

Being disappointed because your vacation is cancelled? 100% understandable and acceptable. Announcing it to the world? Poor taste.

She should be doing that nonsense on her personal cell phone in the empty office used to store networking equipment and crappy company swag. I’m considerate of others so that’s where I do my morning rails of coke.



After saying yes, she should think about the people who lost everything. We couldn’t help giggling when she was telling the travel agent, we’ve been dating for ten years, this is happening now! I can’t wait until January, it will be cold!

Alternatively, she could shut the fuck up about her #SponCon vacation being cancelled and how she plans to “hit” the resort next year when people who actually live on that island are at great physical and material risk. It costs zero dollars and zero sense to have some fucking humanity and realize not everything is

I shouldn’t be giggling that Bridzilla’s SoVeryImportantWedding got ruined by an “act of God”... but here I sit.

A woman my husband works with was supposed to have her destination wedding in the Turks and Caicos next month. She was livid when she got a call from the resort saying no one can stay here until probably next year, everything’s gone. She does a lot of wedding planning very loudly across the cube farm from my husband,

Sabrina the teenage bitch

Clarissa Needs to STFU.

I’m guessing Matt Lauer, despite his namby pamby attempts to get O’Reilly to “apologize” doesn’t actually think Bill did anything wrong. Just like the sportscasters who covered Kobe Bryant giving an apology ring to his wife after the rape charges against him were dropped. He triumphed over that whore they implied and

Matt Lauer giving softball questions to someone when he should be asking actual hard questions? I’m so not shocked at all.