
Crawford’s daughter is sweet looking. But her face looks too small for her head? I can’t explain it but she’s got a really tiny sweet but unimpressive look.

“The feature also includes the original five supermodels from his “Freedom! ’90” video — Naomi Campbell, Christy Turlington, Cindy Crawford, Tatjana Patitz, and Linda Evangelista “


I was sitting under the tree with the kitties today and thinking about how much she has changed. There was a point where I was sure that I was going to have to find a placement for her for her own protection and my sanity. There was a time where I was sure that she would leave my house one day and that she would never

She has all of these various counseling and group sessions each day- so that she can work on her specific goals toward getting out of the program. I don’t know what is with this one counselor lately but he is stepping WAY out of bounds and is not going to like our next review.

UUUUUUUUUNNNNGGHH. People would tell me that shit alllll the fucking time when I was younger, because I didn’t want to have kids. I’ve spent literally my entire life around kids; I was a last minute whoops-time-got-away-from-us! addition to the family, so my oldest sibling is 15 years older than me, leading me to

I was really into makeup when I was in high school in the 80's. But I was also sorta goth but not entirely. I am really pale but have pink undertones. When I wanted to look my best, I used my mom’s green redness concealer, then slathered on foundation and powder. I then topped it off with purple eyeshadow and


We’re at peak tomato. Marinated. Sauce. Soup. Just plain with salt.

Today we had tilapia tacos, I’m roasting a big-ass salmon fillet tomorrow. Fish 4 lyfe!

I may need that- this is exactly why I spend as much time as possible at home with my various animals and ignoring phones etc. Too much time out = too many chances of me snapping completely.

Hey now — you’re building a human! A friend once told me when she was pregnant that it was the most productive she’d ever been while doing absolutely nothing. “I’m pretty sure I made an eyeball today... and I didn’t even leave the couch!”

What is WITH people caring what kind of phone I have?! I also don’t know. Here, here’s my damn phone. Look for yourself!

Happy Saturday folks!!! I’m a sometimes commentor, big time star everything haha but I wanted to share that yesterday my mom passed her citizenship interview and exam! I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

My dear sweet lord woman, how have you not murdered everyone around you? If you need an alibi... you were probably babysitting for me.

With the prologue that I know this ONLY because of reading Jezebel (they’ve covered her a lot, unfortunately)...she was on Dr. Phil and the audience thought she was nasty (correct) and she basically challenged them all to fight her in BS fake AAVE by saying to catch her outside, how about that. But in her stupid

Eh. She’s less obnoxious overall because at least she’s not faking anything. Also because she’s a kid and people were just trying to use her for a laugh.

Lovely! That contract reflects how much they’ll put into making and marketing her garbage and unless she works her entitled trash butt off she’ll find she OWES them money. Since this is highly likely with people of talent who do work... Couldn’t happen to a better example of a cautionary tale.