
Families are so frickin hard when it comes to this junk though. And if they do have to ask her and her brood to leave, the narrative then becomes, “Bride and Groom were SOOO MEANNN to poor Pam and her widdle bayyyyyyyyybees!”

Nah, you don’t actually have to invite her, and the proof is right there in her ‘We’ll see about that’ response. You invite people to your wedding who are there to support you, on your day, as you embark upon the wonderful experience of having your relationship legally and religiously authorized and recognized. Her

Option the third: Tell that bitch “Peeeeeeeace!” Now your wedding has 29 guests which means one less person to not really remember having spoken to even once the entire night.

Wedding folx: no, you don’t *have* to invite her. She’s made it clear she has no desire to be respectful at YOUR wedding, and it is YOUR WEDDING, so disinvite that bish and carry on with your life.

If one puts the entire life story, warts and all, out on Facebook, one richly deserves whatever happens


Maybe that’s why I always pronounced his name in my head as “Douchehamel.”

Kittyspaz! The neighbor’s contractor came over yesterday and removed the tree (I’m kind of glad I didn’t realize how enormous it was until it came down) and there is no roof damage and I got my power back at 3PM today!!!

“What you are experiencing is called a teachable moment. It is called a gift. It is called a humbling. It is called Jesus, I come to thee. It is called an awakening. It is called a growth edge. It is called hope.

RIP Frank Vincent. I hope your in heaven telling God to go home and get his fucking shinebox.

Nuns get a bad rep. Going to Catholic school for my entire childhood, I will say that I did run in to one or two that were a-holes and are clearly going to hell despite their dedication to their religion. But there are a lot more that are awesome. I had one in high school who taught sex ed, and she did not leave

One withering look from Sister Therese - my high school disciplinarian - and those trees would have cleaned up their own damn selves.

I worked for a catholic hospital when I was younger and while I have issues with the availability of various services being filtered through a religious lens, the nuns who ran the administration were, without a doubt, committed to a mission of social justice. Of the ones I spent time with personally, most were

Loyalty is the last refuge of scoundrels.

What is with the fascination with loyalty among these rich white assholes? Trump, O’Reilly...they speak about it in a one way sense where they expect it, but never actually give it. Like being “loyal” is equivalent to being a good person.

Like Trump would use the word “exculpatory.”

I’ve had a terrific career, and I’m a lucky guy, and I’m not, you know, one of these guys that wants to hang on to the cliffs. You don’t want me working for you, that’s fine. They made a decision. It was purely a business decision. But the way it was done, I’m over in Rome [on vacation]. My [legal] team was caught by

Loyalty to someone doesn’t say much about the person whom they’re loyal to, but more about the person who is loyal to them. People are loyal to people who don’t deserve it all the fucking time for all different reasons. A fuck ton of money that you stand to inherit can inspire some loyalty.

Stop giving this asshole interviews.

If they can get you, they’re going to get you.