
I am too, have been pretty much since every asshole got a car flag after 9/11. Seeing jingoism in action was enough for me. It is so sad that my own flag makes my stomach turn.

As a 20 year resident I couldn’t agree with you more. I loathe these people!

Libel for library (when they were mostly print books) is how I always remembered it!

Dude, sleep paralysis is so fucking weird! The first time it happened to me I totally understood all the alien abduction stories!

I’m so sorry—but you gave them a great life and I’m sure they appreciated it! I lost 4 (3 cats and a dog) within 2 years so I know the hurt. They were all old but it’s never easy.

It’s never mattered to me. I’ve had cats all my life and have adopted 8 of them in my adult life. Whoever needs a home and fits in with the others!

I had a ginger female! She was awesome.

He and a 40 year old guy from the U.K. were the only single dudes on the trip, according to him, so they roomed together. There was an interview with him over the weekend. He sounded like a turd.

Yeah, the whole thing really stinks. Blaming the president because your adult child travels somewhere that is a well known dictatorship that hates the US (why anyone would go there is beyond me!) and even if he didn’t put his hands on a poster it’s pretty obvious NK is not where any American citizen should travel to!

Yes—and during the ‘92 season there was a mention of the upcoming election, and Roseanne crossed her fingers that Bill would win, even though no names were mentioned. But I won’t watch this new incarnation either. She can get bent.

Exactly!! Fuck these so-called “celebrities” and their stupid channels. Not the first and won’t be the last of these.

That’s the crux of the issue to me, yes, cabs can be shitty, but Uber is a scumball organization from the top down. I have never used one and never will.

Amen. And haven’t people ever heard of taxi cabs!?!?

If we are voting, I vote for Hillary Kitten!!

You can “mute” the assholes that post BS, and hide threads, too.

First a cockpunch, then a throat punch, THEN a face punch!



Pommes frites in NYC. (drops mic)

Oh Christ on a cracker that asshat!? Sad, sad mofo...