
I mean, not to put too fine a point on it...fuck ALL of them!

Ugh!! Glad it will hopefully be taken care of soon—in the meantime get yourself a good white noise machine—lectro fan from amazon!

Seinfeld too! SEVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Actually, the line was: “So? Isn’t Danny Thomas one?”

Agree—and adding: chewable methyl b-12 will work WONDERS for your energy and mood!!

Thanks for the great info! I’ll look them up and definitely pm you if I need more info. So far Tampa bay solar has been great too, now I just need to convince my SO!

Amen!! I’m close to you—can I ask what company you used? I’m looking at going with Tampa bay solar.

Yeah, we are looking at it too and the figures here seem way off. Plus with the financing I can take 10 years at 2.9% to pay it off, and have almost a non existent bill during that time. I’m in Florida, so win/win! Fuck duke energy!

That IS really interesting! I’ve mentioned elsewhere that I’m a woman, but clarifying here!

I’m with you. I’ve had that happen too and especially at hockey games when you really need to pay attention and it’s generally pretty quiet during play. If they aren’t talking about the game they should stfu or at least keep it to a loud whisper. I mean, if you aren’t going to watch the game why go in the first

Closed my high school and I had to go to another one—no choice as to which just by address. Met some lifelong friends there—one of which ended up introducing me to my husband when we were in our 20's. Just celebrated our 22nd wedding anniversary! If you can, let the universe help when it wants to!

Late 40's lady here—still on the pill but definitely have bouts of hormone issues. Benadryl is my go to and almost always works for me. Does give me bizarre dreams sometimes—Valium did that to me too when I took it way back. Mom had a script and I would use it occasionally, only maybe 5 or 6 times.


I’m still mad about Hindsight getting cancelled—fuck! And agree with all you said, I think child in 70's, teenager in 80's and 20's in the 90's were about the best times to do all that. IMHO, anyway!

Amen to that!!

The 80's were absolutely the best! And the music—so fucking great!

SAME! Child of the 70's/80's here—lo fi 4 lyfe!

Yeah—I stopped pretty much after late 70's-early 80's. Read all the classics, and even Thinner when it was discovered it was written by King. Never read The Stand or It, however.

I still won’t stay in any room 217!

The Shining is a must—the movie pales in comparison to the writing and suspense in the book. My all time favorite novel of his.