
Yes, Carrie is great too!

Skeleton crew—book of short stories and it’s fantastic! You will have to pick it up used but well worth it.

You’re welcome! I’m the same way—I have three bins and one tiny trash can—neighbors have two kids and two giant trash cans and REFUSE to recycle! I’m going to pull a Serial Mom one of these days!!

You can send it back to them for free! I send back the box and the cold packs, you just have to send at least two for it to be free. Go to their site it will tell you how to do it!! I recycle everything else locally.

Actors say break a leg. Dancers say “merde”.

I recommend watching the excellent Errol Morris docu “the thin blue line.”

Yes, he will go to one most likely, but everyone I know that he had the surgery has been rubber stamped and the counseling was a joke. Two different states too.

Oh I bet it could! I could maybe sell one of my EarthLink addresses too!

I know someone that still has a prodigy email address

Because twitter is the boil on the ass of humanity

Thirsty woman. Get fucking bent.

Yep—that’s a good way to stop the biting too


It’s definitely getting to her—look at those fingernails! As a still sometime nail biter myself I would do my best to cover it up or grow them out if I were in her position...

Sunset Boulevard 4 lyfe!

All the stars for you!!


I swear my blocked list is longer than my friends list!

Oh yeah, it is definitely the best thing about getting old!

Your mom is one of the good ones!