
Duhbya put him there. That is all anyone needs to know.

Really, you can just put his name in the headline. We know he’s the “president.”

Thank you for that little bit of hope! Shit like that is really important and can sometimes indicate a sea change.

PaperMate. All. The. Way.

The fact that that bitch is out and is married with a kid just makes me want to puke.

Wow—that’s amazing!

“The Americans” is one of the best shows, ever, I think. Even though set in the 80's it’s extremely pertinent now. Start at the beginning for sure! About to start their 5th season, the 6th will be their last.


Went to the March for women’s lives in 2004-unofficially officially the biggest march on the Mall in history!

Again, I’m a bit older so three years can make all the difference.

You’re a bit younger so I get it—and I went to a catholic school in the inner city at the time so it was not that major of an event either. But my teacher happened to be the one African American male at the school he LOVED the Beatles so he and I were heartbroken.

Oh fuck yeah, Ian. What a voice!

And I was in my university’s theater working on scenery for a show—someone announced cobain was dead. Oddly enough none of us were that surprised or upset.

As do you!

Oh the Beatles. I was 10 when it happened and for our generation if we were old enough I liken it to Keenedy. My mom came home from working midnights at the post office and was crying and I asked why and she told it was fucking yesterday and I can’t listen to double fantasy to this day.

Micanopy is where they live/d. What a strange world, that I’m talking to someone so long after the fact that knew him in this venue. he had a lot of baggage and if you don’t know the history you should check it out. (Not really meaning u Iris but others that might be a bit younger)

Oh and holy shit Joy Divison and New Order!

Kevin Spacey. (Swoon!)

Is your Bea a Bea Arthur ref?

Haha! For sure! You definitely trend more 90's than me—can’t stand the pixies, sorry! Hubby is major husker du fan so we have seen bob mould more times than I can count! I never saw the smiths but he did. Did see Morissey solo in the mid 90's and that was great! Siousxie is another all time fave and saw them multiple