
Yeah—watched that later when I could but started clubbing at 14 so my Sunday nights were often late homecomings. Mv3 was the jam when I was 12-13, then night flight and Friday night videos! Didn’t get MTV in my ‘burb until ‘85.

Skinny puppy too!

Same age as me—not a nirvana fan, was a major goth in the 80's, but understood why grunge was popular. Give me ministry, revolting cocks, nitzer ebb and front 242! We agree on Ethan Hawke for sure. Christian Slater circa Heathers...panty drop!

Exactly—and the potential that was there! Guy was one in a generation for sure.

Nope, Linda “WWE” McMahon already has that gig. Donated 7.5 mil to a super PAC that supported him, while mcnuggget here just shot off her mouth...

Haahahaha!! And the original post of hers said “a ape in heels.” So not only a McNugget, but a grammatically challenged one!

Anton Yelchin...just remembered that one too

I’m an Xer too—River Phoenix leveled me when he died. When other icons of my youth pass they have an effect, but none like he did, because he was SO YOUNG. And so was I.

Don’t forget Extremities too!

I understand, but you have to protect yourself and the dog was not hurt. Better to do what you did before the dog did hurt someone and have to be put down too. Sucks all the way around for sure.

Good for you—fuck your neighbor and all shitty animal owners!

Gentle leader 4 lyfe!

Everything you never wanted to know about Poop:

I have loved her since she was I feel you. Are you a member of PSN?

You get a star for ‘cadre.’ Such an underused awesome word!


Holy mother of pearl, even. All the starz 4 u!

Zomg the vodka and Oreo reviews—priceless Lindy!

And the backlash will be glorious.

Poetry. Sheer poetry!