
Oh damn. That dog was your soul mate!

Um. You don’t have to decide. That is all terrible and I’m so sorry.

Yeah, 9/11 in the stix was way different from 9/11 in urban areas

Fuuuuuuuck. But goddamn, can’t say I’m surprised...

Oh Jesus that is the worst—on every level. So, so sorry.

I am totally ready to go Sarah Connor on all their asses!

Hugs to you and here is to knowing what you can handle. I can imagine someone else taking it out on defenseless people and it makes me sick to think about. We are better than that and you are proof.


I saw it on there for sure in the comments!

She has an office in NYC I believe. Are you a member of pantsuit nation on Facebook? It’s invite only.

I feel you. We lost three cats and a dog over the span of two years, all rescues. The cats were 20, 18 and 16, and the dog was 12. We had them all (except the 20 year old who we adopted when she was 2) from kitten/puppyhood. The only comfort really was that we knew we gave them good lives and they lived a damn long

Boundaries have literally saved my sanity, and helped me get to a place where I could actually deal with the people that were hurting me in a more healthy way. And when I need the boundary again, better believe I employ it!

Exactly! We don’t have kids so they are really our companions. And especially this week they have been a source of amazing comfort for us. Just seeing them and having to take care of them helps me to realize life has to go on.


Same. It’s funny, I told my mom the day after that all I wanted to do was hug Hillary, then that story came out about the woman running into her in the woods! I felt like she took care of it for me, and so many others too. I’m just relieved she doesn’t have to put up with the bullshit anymore, even though I know she

My birthday is next weekend. I’m not in a very birthday having mood either.

Losing an animal is so hard. Don’t apologize for feeling “worse” about it. People have a lot of baggage, but animals provide such unconditional love and comfort it is leveling when we lose them.

I hope you get the gig!! Please let us know if you do!! Love that you wore a pantsuit, too!

THEY are the shit heads!

Hubby and I are going to the big Pride gathering in Orlando tomorrow—was rescheduled due to the hurricane. I haven’t cried yet. Tomorrow might be the day, between that and the Pulse memories.