
I’m so, so very sorry for you and your wife. People can really fucking suck, blood or not.

That is the one thing I am grateful for—that she doesn’t have to endure four years of non stop manufactured bullshit while she tried to do the job. And honestly, I was sort of scared they would be able to pin some stupid manufactured shit on her and somehow ultimately remove her from office.

Nailed it!

An unmitigated classic!

Fuck these fuckers.

I live in Florida and LOVE visiting NYC! Guess I’m used to the crazy. But I avoid Times Square and walking on subway grates...

Yep—it was downright offensive to me how many times he brought it up. It was old fashioned policework and her pounding on the container that saved her, but thanks, Jesus!

Last pre-election rally would be a better way to put it

Really cool—I read recently Bruce was going to sit this campaign season out. Glad he is jumping in at least at the end!

Stevie Wonder came into my husband’s store tonight!! He is appearing at a rally with Obama for Hillary and the band needed to pick something up. So fucking cool!! He took a pic with him but can’t post here—sorry!

Exactly. And instead of getting a warrant, he could have just ASKED Huma and wiener for permission to look through the emails.

That sucks—I’m sorry to hear about both of your bffs. My bday is later this month too—scorpios unite!

Well done!

He looks like a total pussy. And I am the proud owner of a pussy so I can say that. Seriously, what a buffon.

Roger Stone at his “finest”

A thousand stars for you!!

Amen! And it’s total bullshit anyway, I read earlier African American turnout is up 22% in Florida so far, as well as other places.

Dude—fuck that movie. Read the original Stephen king short story. Darabont ruined it and I know you hate it for the same reason I do. The story will set you free!